Soil vs Hydro => definitely Hydro (UFO LED too!)

Howdy folks -

I had to answer to age old question myself...hydro or soil.

Without getting into too many hydro plant (bag-seed) is 4x bigger than my soil plant for the same amount of vegging time. Plus, my soil plant ended up getting fungus gnats so I had to continuously battle them. I've always had problem with soil in the past. I was surprised how easy the hydro grow went.

For my hydro grow, I made a DIY hybrid aero/dwc..thanks to Matt the Grower for the design.

For vegging nutes, I actually used Fox Farm Grow Big Soil. Yes, that's right, I used soil nutes in hydro! I had a bunch that was over a year old, and wanted to use it up. A guy at my local hydro shop said it would be fine...and it was. I did add a drop of pH Down per gallon just to be safe.

The summer was hot in NC and I was growing in my shed. The reservoir temps were in the 80's. I was worried about root rot, but never experience any. I dumped the water every 10 days in the beginning. Now the plant drinks over a gallon every 2 days, so I don't worry about dumping any more.

Another, data point of interest...I used the UFO LED from HTG Supply for vegging...worked great! Lot's of inter-node branching.

I'm about 4 weeks from far so good.

I learned a LOT from watching the Sea of Green for Hydroponics video by Hans. This video has the best hands-on footage of various cloning techniques. Oxygenated water (via aquarium pump) is the key.

Happy medicating!


Active Member
Hey tarheel, sounds good man! So are you using any grow medium? What kind of nutes are you using for bloom? My only advise would be to keep the water level constant between changes, this will keep you ppm levels steady, and also to pick up a pH tester eventually, aim for between 6.5-5.5.