Soil vs. Hydro

Yeah soilless medium has its advantages, size and speed and that is well documented, also you can damn near automate the whole process. But soil protects you, buffers your ph if you don't get your mix right, insulates roots from heat/cold. soil is cheaper then fertilizer especially if you live on fertil ground/make it yourself.
Yes but with Coco from what I understand is you need to water more often and it has salt.
You want to look for pre washed and buffered coco and the buffer again yourself. If your gonna hand water then run straight coco and you won’t have to water only once or twice a day. I hand watered in coco/perlite 3 times a day for a long time with amazing success. Now everything is automated and I just fill a reservoir every 4-5 days
If your worried about salts then you want to avoid using all synthetic nutrients because they contain salt based preservatives to prevent gram negative bacteria from forming inside bottles. Also synthetic nutrients actually have most elemental chelate compound barriers destroyed as well meaning the roots are having a much harder time updating the nutrient that's needed. Also in soil you have 100% organic plant growth hormone regulators such as triacanotol helps strengthen cellulose walls within the plant and shell fish contain chitin which not only promotes plant growth but the small particles of shell can cut up harmful pests. I used to grow hydro and hated mixing up nutrients like was a mad scientist. Went with living soil recipe that I got from someone with a PhD in soil microbiological sciences and have never gone back. Even easier now with a blumat watering system and have a 4x4 raised fabric bed in my 5x5 tent.
Actually chelated nutes will make the plant uptake nutes with water.and the nutes you givw it is the food it eats, meaning bacteria doesnt need to digest it.plants grow like on steroids
Rinse coir with preferably warm water twice or more to remove salt then add one cup of Dr Earth 4.4.4 premium gold
per 5 gallon bucket then add 1/4 perlite. Dr Earth will be your buffer and offer other nutrients. I usually start adding chem nutes around day 10-20 @ 250-350ppm. Only water once a day even during the hottest days of summer.
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I grow in winter soo that keeps the water cool allsoo i use only 300w. You can use ice bottles or a watter chiller maybe a peltier... keep the res outside the tent...

As for nutes i use masterblend but you can allso use athena or jacks basicly same shit slightly different npk
Honestly dirts more forgiving does your boy have his skills down enough rn that he can cope with switching to hydro in your opinion would be the first thing id ask myself in your shoes bud ?
Go DWC for hydro option or blumat for soil/soilless option.
Living soil will will take some time to start and get going but will serve you for years if you master it.
Soil and soilless mix will forgive you a lot of errors to an extent. If you mess up the hydro you plant will easily die.
Dwc if you have time to play with plants every day.dirt if you want to wing it water every few days hope you have the perfect mix