Solar DC as driver input


Well-Known Member
You would be better off to use solar panels to a battery bank. Then from the battery bank to a voltage regulator so you got constant voltage to the driver. As long as your in the DC voltage range it will work. Or you can go from solar panel to battery bank then voltage regulator to dc to ac converter. Then to the driver. But solar panels voltage output bounces around alot. I work for a lighting company. We put solar powered leds on billboards all the time. Like out in the middle of no where, where electric isnt run. We put panels on our house roof. We use as backup. They charge a battery bank of a group of twelve 24v batteries. We can run our entire house for 7ish days on a full charge. Last longer if we dont run the tv, washer, and dryer. And whatnot.


Well-Known Member
Id adapt the solar/driver/leds custom.

Basicly the idea is to run a low power setup all day long and use the generated power from the panels as a flower boost of red leaning spectrum. Maybe reds on strips or low driven low CCT boards or strips.
Most strip options ive looked at are around 24 V, at least at the currents i wanna run.
What current or wattage are you looking to run? I don't know the input voltage range for LDDs, but I have doubts about powering them with solar panels. I'll have to have a look at datasheets. I think a DC-DC boost converter might work, I'll have to try it.