Solar Smoking For Cannaseurs Only...


Junior Creatologist
Ok, so i just got the Cannabible Series (which is fucking AWESOME man, seriously a must get for anybody who gives a fuck about their pot n the strains they grow), and SubCool's DANK. I just got through Cannabible 1 (of 3), and there is a method of smoking that is alledgedly the best way to smoke bud without deminishing the taste in any way.

You take your bowl, and a magnifying glass, and either step outside or into a room in your house where there is direct sunlight shining through the window. Proceed to put your magnifying glass over your glasspiece, and just like you would burn an ant, light your bowl with the power of the sun. No plastic lighters, no butane torches, no treated matches. Just the power of the sun, naturally lighting a naturally amazing plant. Difficult and inconvenient for some, maybe - but improving the taste of your ganja can be worth the effort if your a true Cannabis Conniseuer (however the fuck you spell that god damn word :D)



Well-Known Member
I have a Fresnel lens I bought to make a DIY projector and I do this a lot. What i do though, if not using a bowl, is take some hash or bud and place a glass jar over it. And do the same threw the jar and it fills the jar up and open and inhale.


Active Member
Yeah dude the cannabible is sick I got the third one but the first and second I think are the best. I've seen bongs with magnify classes attached with a movable arm, pretty cool. I use to do solar hits all the time because it fucks you up and really tastes good I'd recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it.


Junior Creatologist
man, i got the Cannabible, DANK by Subcool, Marijuana Growers handbook by Ed Rosenthal, and Marijuana Garden Saver by JC Stitch. Pretty much every single thing as far as "Need To Know" info on picking strains, how to successfully grow copious amounts of grass, and about every single plant problem and solution in exsistence to human knowledge. The set that i picked up pretty much covers everything man, and im glad as hell that i bought them. But I just read all three of the Bibles, n all of the strains they cover plus all the little useful information tidbits in there are fuckin great. I recommend it to anybody who wants to expand on their knowledge of pot, n thats serious as hell. Now when i go shoppin at Attitude, or any other seedbank for that matter, i can make more informed picks, n shop more for myself, rather than looking for a name brand that everyone is fuckin droolin over, lol. The shit is awesome :D


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call it a poor man's vape, cause it smokes deliciously. But tis true you can use a magnifying glass to do this. Mine gets hotter faster seeing how it is used for light houses and the such.


Well-Known Member
Whats the difference between doing it this way and using the sun? I would try it but I have neighbors to consider. That and its 20 fucking degrees outside.


Well-Known Member
Sorry looks like exhaustion is getting the better of me lol. Using the sun and using a vape. Whats the difference?


Well-Known Member
Its the way to take bongloads at the beach without a lighter, and you dont have to worry about the wind! I never knew that was in the cannabible. Check out glass rod's. Thats another awesome method, especially with hash and a concentrate bowl.


Well-Known Member
Well with a vape you can choose the temperature at which it burns. With this method, depending on how bright it is outside it you will get a different temp rising speed. But also with this, it is, for lack of a better word, Green =). No fuel, no electricity, just good ol, and magical, Sun!
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
I guess its one of those "you just have to try it" things. Ill give it a shot out at my aunts farm this thanksgiving. Should be interesting to inhale 20 degree air.


Well-Known Member
i've been keeping my eye out for a nice big glass magnifying lense ever since i read about that in my Cannabible :D I would guess that i have the first 'edition'... i've had it for a while now.