Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

I found a goat in my dogs mouth this week. Looked like your black and white one. I thought it was a skunk at 1st! It's about 3 months old and just got debudded. My neighbor lost their grasp and it was gone. Squeezed through the 4in by 4in holes in the fence. Got my dog to let it go and was able to return it safely. It was lucky the right dog found it. Nice addition to your farm pappa. Our run in has us wanting some too now!
I laffed out loud at this...I found a goat in my dogs mouth. And it was the correct dog :). Assuming another would have had a buffet
Well, we are forecasted for a solid week of sunshine! Got a ton left to do in prep, but looks like this week will be the week to get a lot done.

Already got 4 of the 3/4 200s filled now, just need to get the others filled 3/4 the way, then amended, then top em all off to the top with worm castings / rabbit manure.

Shooting to get cages built, and the greenhouse 110% ready for plastic.
Got 4 of the 200 gallon pots set out, and filled up with the base soil. After laying out 8 and seeing the spacing, - I decided against it. Going to only do 6 plants in the greenhouse. With the cold wet climate here, I don't want the plants to be touching, and would rather play it smaller, and not have to worry as much about pm and mold from an over-packed greenhouse. I want nice open spacing on them, and that's that. Will do prob a dozen or so in 30 gallons as well, and keep them outside the greenhouse on nice days, and inside the greenhouse when foul weather comes. Got all 6 outer cages measured out, cut and built. I made them in a way that they are able to be slipped off when I need to transplant. I plan on zip tieing the 200s handles onto the cages as well, to hold the bag up, as they seem to have a tendency to slip. Anyway! heres a pic.

Coming together man. Excited to see that greenhouse nice and full. You're gonna kill it this season.

I sure hope so!

got the upper rat run straightened out to my satisfication, and only one more to put into place, almost ready for plastic! I am hoping to get some funds together to buy about 40 of the 50 gallon barrels, and then using them to collect rain water that sheds off the greenhouse. We shall see, also want to add in a big bag of perlite to every pot to.
Still a lot to get done, but on track.

Another 200 gallon filled!