Things really sound great Papa!

You and Dr.D81 make an awesome team and I only see great things happening for you both.You guys seem unstoppable and so focused on your dreams and goals, I'm so impressed, you guys are a true inspiration. . The land is so beautiful and its going to be awesome to see the farm grow.

That's a shame about your school it does sound like a waste of time and money I had no idea that type of shit teaching was happening, but it doesn't surprise me, our society is really dumbed down these days. . go with your instincts...Things will work out.
I'm healing really well from the surgery , its been really strange to adjust to the changes and taking it in stride.There are a lot of internal stitches . but I have very fortunate not to really have had much pain at all. I knew something was really wrong but never imagined I was on the verge of something as huge as Cancer.
Yeah I'm really excied about San Fran .. its going to be a lot of fun living back in the Bay Area, would you and Doc be able to take in a cute little albino leaning Smelly Cherry? along with the Cuvee. I don't know anything about albinos but here is apicture of them. we are driving down to Cali on Thursday. I let doc know.

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