Solfire gardens genetics

It’s a Masonic collab papaya god x don mega
Yeah thanks I grew those seeds out and ended up with 2 girls. Both phenos were pretty similar with dense sticky purple buds that reeked of gmo and almost a fresh mango puree/syrup type aroma. The potential was there, however I wasn't able to keep my cuttings healthy and lost that strain. If anyone has seeds don't hesitate to pop them I bet you will find something killer in there.
little too high in nutriens?
I think yes. the soil is enriched with organic fertilizers such as earthworm compost, bat guano, INSECT FRASS Microbia Boost, and ALGUAMYCOR, all mixed in zero mix soil and some perlite. But she did not accept the dose too much, unlike her neighbor. I give her only water.