Solid Outdoor Schedule


Active Member
I Just started growing outdoors around the New York area. I dont know much about fertilizing the plants and i did look for info. when would fertilizing the plants be recommended, also what *Brands* of fertilizers or nutrients are good to use. Im looking to go to a local gardening center or the Home Depot to pick up something thats gonna make that difference for my plants, but im not quite sure about what to use and when. Any Info would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
I wonder if i can get my hands on that. doesnt sound like anything familiar tho.. by shooting up how many weeks into growing are you talking?


Well-Known Member
u can get it from walmart. well check out my grow journal. i started off the plant was just in the ground and growing really slow. i transplanted it in some soil and a pot and started using alaskan fish fert and now its alive and looking better than i could have imagined. i mean new leaves everday.


Active Member
One tried and tested fertilizer is a product by Plant Prod or somthing similar and it says its for types of trees and bushes but when i read what was actually in it, it contained same trace minerals and EVERYTHING that my regular 20-20-20 miraclgrow had. its numbers are 30-10-10 it is by far the best fert.. i have tried many this one makes them shoot like crazy while still in the vegie period, should be easy tofind if not ,look for sumthing close to those numbers 30-10-10