Solidarity with British medical marijuana patient Winston M, jailed for 16 months.

I'd like to see support from around the world. I don't know Winston personally but he is a friend of friends, in pain, jailed with no effective pain relief, and maybe our show of support can help lift his spirits and help sustain their movement for cannabis law reform. Here's the basic info from the support page on Facebook.

Link to the Facebook group:

Winston Matthews A8167CK
HMP High Down Prison
High Down Lane
Surrey SM2 5PJ

you can now donate via Paypal

(see below for more details about sending mail)

here is a press article inviting you to comment on-line:
(you need to register first but it does not take long)

Winston Matthews has been sent to prison in the UK for 16 months for repeatedly growing his own medicinal cannabis plants in his home, to use as an effective alternative to dangerous and expensive pharmaceutical drugs.

British Justice has been thrown out.

This group is set up to help fight for Winston's early release and to support him as best we can.