Solve the Mystery.. I'm stumped


New Member
Okay, so I have searched all of the stickys, all of the threads, taken pictures and shown any knowledgable person I know, and still somehow no one has any idea what I am dealing with. Basically I have a veg room with 12 PERFECTLY healthy and happy plants about 4 weeks in. I moved 10 into flower and saved two for mothers. The next day I got 3 new small plants (maybe 2 weeks?) from a friend that had just been transplanted. Before I moved them in a washed the leaves and sprayed them with a light concentration of antimite oil (the real name is escaping me) and put them into my veg room along with my other two adult plants and some new clones I had taken. During the next day and a half the 3 plants i recieved from my friend began to brown and take on some strange discoloration. At first I just assumed that they were stressed or dying from a bad transplant. Then one of my totally healthy adult plants that was near the 3 began exibiting something very strange. At the point where all of the fingers of the leaf come together by the stem a brown spot began to appear on some of the leaves. Lightly at first, then darker and more clear. It is spreading around my lower fan leaves now. The spot appears in the same place right at the start of the leaf on each one and does not spread out across the leaf. Other than the spots which are about the size of a dime the rest of the leaf still looks completely healthy (i.e no wilting, curling, discoloration, etc.). It has now spread to the new clones that I cut and the spots on those remain only in that spot too. I havent ever seen anything like it. I sat there for an hour looking at them with a magnifiying glass and I can say with certainty that there are no bugs. What could this possibly be?? Has anyone ever seen this? Please please any knowledge would be unbelieveably appreciated.. :confused: Ill post pics as soon as i can


i just joined this website lyke 5min ago
can any1 tell me how 2 post a question.
i cant find a post button or nothing anywere


Without pics, real tough to say. However, with the proximity of your treating the plants with a miticide a big reg flag is a wavin. Almost any foliar product, e.g., a fungicide, miticide, virucide, nutrient spray, will burn plant tissue if the conditions are correct. The primary reason is spray concentration being way too high. The second could be pooling of the solution on parts of the leaves & burning due to prolonged contact (though overall concentration okay). A third contributing factor is heat & high light levels/proximity. What I have gotten in the past is irregular blotches of "darkened" green leaf material that rather quickly (over a day or two) die to a dry, brown color. The damage transverses leaf section (imagine a large drop or pool of water sitting on the brown spot). Does this describe your spots? The fact that they are at the stems of the leaves where the leaf fingers meet is another sign as this is a likely spot for pooling of solution to occur. Poor water over a leaf & see where it pools. You will get some clusters on the leaves, though most will roll off. Many of the leaves will pool at the point on the stem discussed. Try it with water. Cut back on your concentration/severity of foliar applications/plant dips. Start at 1/4-1/3 the lowest recommended rate, maybe 1/2 strength of the lowest dose listed at max. This is a good rule for anything you might use, especially if it is a first. They won't get any worse than they are, at least. Best. BTW, the other likely candidate is fungal spotting... again due to water pooling. Best.