Some advice for an intermediate grower Please ?


Well-Known Member
Alright I have been growing for about 3 to 4 years I have some.basic knowledge with many successfully harvests I pH my water to optimal levels every time and my ph meters are calibrated.

This season I tried a new strain someone offered me there seems to be little to no info on this strain and I got them as clones a long time ago grew them indoors then transferred outdoors properly may 24 .

Ever since I got these clones 4 of them the leaves have a dark and light thing going on not just on some of the leaves on all of them across 4 plants I have other strains going and everything is going good with them .

Could this just be the strain ? Or maybe the strain is just very specific in that It may require more or less food / more or less cal mag ? I think I am providing a attiquit amount of cal mag when I search online I lean towards magnesium def but they have been like that for like over 2 months and although this strain seems to grow slower than any strains I have typically grown the branching/noding I believe is tight as hell and very strong branching traits if that makes sense I still feel they should be much bigger for how old they are but .

The strain is called top 30 and is suppose to be a 50/50 hybrid .

The last big plant I just included for the hell of if all good with that one !

2 are in the ground with promix hp/bx
1 is in the pot with promix bx

Feeding with ph'd water cal/mag + general hydroponics Flora nova grow

Any ideas ?



Well-Known Member
This season I tried a new strain someone offered me there seems to be little to no info on this strain and I got them as clones a long time ago .

Which is it? Or is previous to this season a long time ago?


Well-Known Member
What I meant was I got the clones this march and grew them indoors and then transferred outdoors when the season permitted and they are outdoors as we speak .


Well-Known Member
Ok that helps I thought that to but shit I am feeding 1.8 ml/l of floranova ....feed... feed..feed ..water
Maybe this is just my first run in with a strain that requires more than normal .

Or maybe 1.8ml /l is just not as much as I think it is.

Thanks for the advice I could try mixing a separate batch of feed slightly increased and see what happens I do have 3 of them so one can be the guinea pig