Some advice please..


Im having a little over heating issue while the plants are small and vegging in the tent with a 400 hps.
I have a 400w digital ballast and thinking of selling it, and getting a switchable one so i can use a 250 mh lamp i have, that would keep the temps down till they got bigger and would give them some blue spectrum.

for that extra oompph..?



Thanks for reply, no cam at the mo, but will sort something out asap.

i have 2 small plants vegging at the mo, 2 fans inside the tent. Air coming into the tent is only about 20 degreesC tho, maybe not cold enough. the tent seems to be being sucked in, so the exhaust fan and filter seem to be working fine. temps in the tent are around 29-32 degrees C.



Active Member
So understand if your Tent is being sucked in as you state , then that is the answer to your problem ,not enough passive air is being let in ,you need a bigger passive opening to increase air flow CFM (cubic feet per Minute ) you are starving your tent for passive air (fresh air)


So understand if your Tent is being sucked in as you state , then that is the answer to your problem ,not enough passive air is being let in ,you need a bigger passive opening to increase air flow CFM (cubic feet per Minute ) you are starving your tent for passive air (fresh air)
ah, right, i thought it was good to have the tent sucked tight in, thanks.

so should i open the flaps up at the bottom? or do i need an inline fan at the intake?



with the flaps open, it seems to make it slightly warmer..? is this because its drawing in warm air from the room now too as well as from the wall inlet? and the room is about 24-25 degrees c. I also have mylar sheeting inside, do you think it could raise the temp, i might try taking it out tonight. any suggestions on a quiet air intake, thats cheap..