Some Baaad News


Well-Known Member
now that i've moved away to school again i only see my babies maybe twice a month.. all 3 are about 5' tall and maybe 3 weeks from harvest... get home from class today and my roommates are laughin at me.. theres a message on the machine from my parents.. they found the plants (we live on a farm.. i grew them in a drainage ditch.. parents had to go to the back of the property to get some big patio stones for a pond we're constructing.. otherwise they would never be there) and also found a 50 gallon drum with nutes and water in it.. they think that someone came on the property, stole the drum and are now growing on our farm so they're contimplating callin the cops about the 3 plants and the stolen water drum!! My friends and i been talkin it over and i need some advice.. should i just tell em that they're mine or make a mad dash home and transplant the plants to the cornfield? they have no idea i blaze and i wouldnt call myself much of a pothead.. just using my knowledge of farming to grow some plants for friends/personal use so i really dont need them knowing about it


Well-Known Member
I posted once and it didnt take, so here is the short version. Call them around sundown advise them to not call the cops you dont want any trouble. Tell them the next time they are out there to cut them down and use them for fertilizer. In the meantime drive through the night and move them to a more secure location and get back to school without being seen. Good luck let us know how it turns out, pictures would be great :)


Active Member
Man. That's gotta suck. My dad and I are going in on this together. He's buying everything, and I'm taking care of them.
I just need to find a place, or a way from keeping the plants out of my sons reach.


Well-Known Member
nice looking plants good luck whichever road you decide... I guess it depends on how coll your parents are I , with my parents, would tell them and tell them i will get them off the property. However if your parents are going to lose their minds I would stay away from that subject and get your plants out of there asap good luck


Well-Known Member
fuck me.. so i went home (2 hour drive in a friends car) to transplant the ladies late last night.. none to be found.. obviously were pulled.. called home today.. my parents called the cops over 3 plants (anal.. i know) and the bastards actually made the drive out to the farm to pull 3 pot plants.. i guess theres not much to do around my area if your a boy in blue.. now i have one measly 2' plant left in my garden out back at the house we rent for school.. oh well, atleast i have it.. just have to enjoy it even more
just wanna thank everyone on here for the input on everything.. much appreciated.. already have next years grow planned and seeds ordered.. growin C-Plus from Chimera and WW.. its gunna be fun.. just have to find a new place to grow.. bigger and better

Cheers.. Chromes


Well-Known Member
Dude, why in the hell would you admit to growing the plants? If you've got the balls to have your parents home taken away from them, then you should have the balls to lie your arse off. Admit nothing! That's how people wind up in jail...with pedophiles, and rapists....hehe. denial!


Active Member
i know a buddy who grows on his farm, it's on the farthest point of his land. someone snitched, and cops came and asked his parents about the plants. they lied obviously, parents knew nothing about this and assumed it was a bunch of hs kids doing this. that's the beauty of growing on a huge farm land, you can lie and blame it on some kids, because this is pretty common.

it sucks that your plants got pulled... but at least you didn't have to confront them about it. imagine if you had to... man, if my parents ever found out, i dont know what they'd do.


Well-Known Member
Good grief, how old are you guys? Under 18??

Just because hes growing without his parents permission doesnt give you the right to be a dick about it. Chill man, smoke a j or something.

I know its difficult to fathom people under the age of 18 smoking marijuana, or people growing on their parents land, but believe it or not... it does happen.

I dont see why people constantly pull the "youre gonna get your parents arrested" game. NEVER have I seen parents actually go to jail because of their child's small closet grow. NEVER. The kid always takes the fall, the parents always pretend that they had no idea and dont know where they went wrong. But the parents never go to jail.


Well-Known Member
Good grief, how old are you guys? Under 18??
I thought this thread was dead lol, actually i'm 21. Also, i'm currently a student that wanted to have some good weed instead of buying from dealers.. imo, only dealers win when u buy drugs so i grew a few plants.. my parents are very traditional but i've been lucky with the fact that they turn their heads' to much of the stuff that coulda landed me in trouble over the years.. they also help me alot when it comes to school/rent/car/etc payments.. so if they ever found out that i grew dope- 1 plant, 3 plants or 50 plants.. even if it wasnt on their property, you can be sure as shit that they'd pull their support.. which would leave me pretty much fucked... so please reserve your judgement for another place.. not an online weed growing forum .:peace:

lol, now you've got me riled up.. i better go smoke a bowl for everyones sake


Well-Known Member
Just because hes growing without his parents permission doesnt give you the right to be a dick about it. Chill man, smoke a j or something.
woah, bro, I was just joking! what happened to the light humored community that embraced mj? cmon peeps, relax, smoke, and relax. life it too short to have hypertension. :peace::joint::peace::joint: