Some basic questions


As you all kno, shitty weather happens, and i just got some quick questions that shoulden't need big explanations
Im about to have some very young babies (first day in soil) outside. is it ok to leave them outside all day? They'll be bakin in sunlight from about 8-30 am till about 5 pm. Thats not gona be too harsh is it? I mean we werent always around to grow em. Also, if its really cloudy for a day or 2 they'll get by right?
Another thing im concerned about is temp, it aint too sturdy yet here in Jerz, some days its 80 in the day and 65 at night, or 75 in the day and 60 at night, but all the forecasts never go below mid 60s, and nevr above 85. Probably in june those 85-95 tempts will kick in. But i was wondering if the daily changing temp would be a probelm.
Lastly, Flowering.. Im not waitin till august to start Flowering., id actually liked to be harvesting in late August. If i kept them in the shade, or covered them up with big pieces of plywood most of the time , would that start flowering?


Well-Known Member
some good questions, one thing tho im pretty sure you have to wait for the plant to flower by itself, from the changing of days and the harvest sun all that type of shit dont think you can just "make it bud" but i couild be wrong...


well im pretty sure the flowering is triggered when they start to receive less sunlight. For example
at around 8am, the sun hits my beautifull clearing, and around 6 pm, the sun starts to fall behind the trees. so i get roughly 10 hours of sun. Now from wat i understand, if i went down there at about 2 pm everyday and boxed them in, they should start to think the day is gettin shorter and will start to Flower. Or am i wrong??


Well-Known Member
Read up on photo periods in your grow bible.



It takes a complete black out(like at night) for twelve hours, EVERY day until harvest, or the buds won't finish. If the plants are in the ground, the earliest they might finish is late September. Most strains finish in October and some, like Hazes, will go into November, and occasionally later.


Well-Known Member
outdoors just let em do there thing.... itll be september before you can see any results


they already get 12 hrs of darkness, its like 10 pure sunlight, 1, 1.5 hours of shade, and then its sundown. And i only got 3 growin, im saying i just wana flower 1 early. grab some big pieces of plywood and just build a small room around it, ill test it and make sure its pitch black. since it alrdy gets 12 of darkness do i only need to keeep it covered for a few hours a day??


Well-Known Member
get some autoflowers if you wanna harvest by august. i planted some auto ak-47 last june and harvested in late august.

if that plywood idea is even possible, you would have to do that EVERYDAY. idk how far away you are from them but that means you would have to make 2 trips per day, one in the morning to uncover and then in the afternoon to cover them back up. thats gonna be a huge pain in the ass plus it could call a lot of attention to yourself.


well , i figure by aug i'll already have to make daily trips down theree to water and feed, goin 2x a day wouldn't that much of a prob. But yea, im still concerned about some of my other questions regarding weather


Well-Known Member
you're definitely not going to need to water everyday and nuting should only be done every other watering. if you water everyday, the roots will drown and nuting every watering with burn them.

temps are probably fine as long as they get a nice breeze from time to time. worry more about humidity. if you grow in a spot with very high humidity, it will cause mold or you'll end up with fluffy buds.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Listen to these guys^. They are right, it would be way too much hassle going out there to cover and then uncover one plant just to get it to bud early. You would also have to find a way to ventilate the light tight box surrounding the plant. This sounds like too much trouble and may draw some unwanted attention. I'm doing my first real outdoor grow this year and I have so many variables to worry about. Try to focus on the basics for now and let them grow out to full potential. That equals more bud in the end! Be careful and enjoy!