some beginner q's


Well-Known Member
Was just wondering if this is normal growth or not... and, when should i start giving nutes? i read a lot of different things, do the cotyledon feed it for its seedling life and only when they yellow and begin falling off should i start to feed??

maybe its me, just seem like theyre going slowly, but maybe its normal.. thanks.. heres the pics

right now ive been giving them bottled water which has a ppm of like 200 approx, twice a day in their hempy cups 8oz, light is 20-4, its only a 32w daylight 48in shop light, they are going under 1000w mh shortly, how long should i wait for that? will i notice a hurt spurt even at this stage if i switch now?

theyre ak47 from HD joey weed



Well-Known Member
they look typical for babies. and you correct about when they need nutrients, the cotyledons supply a seedling with everything it needs to grow untill it can produce these chemicals on its own

how old are they since they sprouted, 5 days or so?

id wait till the babies are a good 2 weeks old before putting them under that strong MH bulb


Well-Known Member
they look typical for babies. and you correct about when they need nutrients, the cotyledons supply a seedling with everything it needs to grow untill it can produce these chemicals on its own

how old are they since they sprouted, 5 days or so?

id wait till the babies are a good 2 weeks old before putting them under that strong MH bulb
Thanks for the super quick reply!
They are 10 days as of RIGHT now, i just took 2 more pics (i infact only took pics prior of the ak, i have some nlxc99 but theyre all looking the same, so i just did the ak.. but here is fresh pics so u can see how they progressed.. if you check the pic filename's when u click the thumbnail it has the day it was taken (i counted day 1 as the day seed cracked and i planted in the rw cube) so the broke ground like day 2 on my way of counting..i may just start a journal but just feels sketchy doing so! ive heard the expression of watchin the grass grow as being boring but now i can take it literally!


Brick Top

New Member
id wait till the babies are a good 2 weeks old before putting them under that strong MH bulb

You can use that much light from day one as long as it is high enough so there are no heat issues.

It is not as if seeds that pop outdoors in equatorial regions start out under CFLs or die.

A 1000-watt MH puts off an infinitesimal amount of light rays when compared to the sun, right?
It is not so much what someone uses that either makes it good or bad or right or wrong but instead how they use it.


Well-Known Member
oops, apparently i shouldnt have wake n baked today cuz i managed to just upload the same pics and change the name, long story lol dont ask, HERE are the ones from today, gotta get used to this posting stuff



Well-Known Member
A little help again please!

Is it me, or are they getting more and more yellow and is this normal?? its possible the flash has something to do with it in the pic, they look slightly less bad to the eye for some reason, but they still look as if theyre yellowing.. im giving them distilled ph'd water ONLY ph5.8

ill post all the pics so you can have best idea, 2 days between all pics.. thanks ( 2 aks and 1 NLxc99)
thanks guys



Well-Known Member
A little help again please!

Is it me, or are they getting more and more yellow and is this normal?? its possible the flash has something to do with it in the pic, they look slightly less bad to the eye for some reason, but they still look as if theyre yellowing.. im giving them distilled ph'd water ONLY ph5.8

ill post all the pics so you can have best idea, 2 days between all pics.. thanks ( 2 aks and 1 NLxc99)
thanks guys

no one????bumppp