Some buds aren't filling in


Ok so first off I'll give you the specs

Strain - Chemdog
System - 5 bucket hydro dwc with 2 airstones a piece
Lights - 1 400w hps, 2 6500k CFL flowering, and 2 4200k veg cfl
Ph - 5.4 < but always less than 6.3
PPM- currently around 1400, but usually is around 1100 - 1450MAX

Ok so for some reason my buds are not filling in correctly, even on one of my biggest plants the cola is so seperated and spaced out.. Im over 40 days into flowering (43?) and I have 3 plants with partially orange pistils.

Here's some pics


The picture above shows the cola that is not filling in correctly or at all.

These other plants seem to be much better bud wise..
Again with the first plant.

I do not think i had nute lockout, or ph issues.. I really don't know whats wrong!

Anyone have some insight?



bud bootlegger
44 days of flowering?? really?? they look more like 2 or 3 weeks'ish... that sucks for sure...

did these come from seeds or clones, and if from seeds what breeder??


Well-Known Member
i would get another opinion but it looks like mabye the light period was messed with and they tried to start vegging again , just my limited insight .


bud bootlegger
i would get another opinion but it looks like mabye the light period was messed with and they tried to start vegging again , just my limited insight .
yah, this could be a possibility, never thought of it honestly.. like he said, maybe something happened to your dark period, and it got light when it wasn't supposed to, and forced it to go back into veg, which would help explain why they look the way they do..


Well-Known Member
it does look like what will happen when there is consistently light during the dark period...sometimes I think other things can cause upward Like a small light leak that is the same during every cycle...not enough to stop flowering and revert to vegetative growth, but enough to get the plant to try to do both at once. Hmm...try to find where the light is coming from and just expect this one to take a little long before it is ready.


Well-Known Member
its a bit hard to tell from the pics but it could just be the genetics/pheno,
the way the buds themselves are just growing in little clumps .. looks like the calax themselves are quite swollen and lots of pistils popping out, i have had a few plants over time that grow a very small amount of bud like this, but produce a huge amount of resin on the buds that do grow

what's the development like of each individual bud, are they maturing, but just not clustering into colas ?


Ursus marijanus
Imo you definitely have imbalance issues ... overfert andor lockout. You are using a lowish pH and a highish TDS in my not-very-authoritative opinion. But those mottled discolored clawed leaves speak of a plant just hanging on at the edge of health. I cannot give you good advice on what to do, but I would say definite imbalance of some sort. I'd keep the pH nearer 6 and the TDS at no more than 1000. Best luck! cn


I could see the light being an issue definitely guys; its in a tent, but near a window.

Canna - It could be an imbalance, but honestly the ph usually stabalizes at (5.75 - 6.0) after the first day of replenish. Those clawed leaves seem do seem like it was a nute def forsure tho, but when I raised the hps 5 inches the health was restored on new growth.

If I covered my window and controlled the darkness better would I still be able to flower these ladies to full potential (obviously for longer) or am I screwed

- these were from seed and they were from Green House

Nutes I am using are AN Jungle Juice (Lucas Method)

Thanks for the responses guys this is my first grow and am a little frustrated.


Well-Known Member
it really looks to much nitrogen has casued a lock out . have you try to flush them. i now exp with hydro just coco. so no idea how to go about this

i grow in a tent next to a window and never had a problem. . go stand in youre tent with you're plants. let you're eyes adjust for 5 mins and have a look for any light


it really looks to much nitrogen has casued a lock out . have you try to flush them. i now exp with hydro just coco. so no idea how to go about this

i grow in a tent next to a window and never had a problem. . go stand in youre tent with you're plants. let you're eyes adjust for 5 mins and have a look for any light
There are some definite light leaks, but none that I thought be such an issue.. also my blinds are cheap as hell so its very bright from 8 am to noon during dark period.

Too much nitrogen would explain the clawed leaves.. I should probably tone it down on the nutes then.. I've been following the 1:2 ratio the lucas method calls for exactly.

Some of the buds have completely white pistils, some have semi-orange...

Main question now is.. can I continue to flower past the 9 weeks..? or will I just have to suffice with the lower yield?


Ursus marijanus
Nice thing about hydro is no need to flush ... just feed them a gentler soup.

Oh, and next time try something other than GHS? I've read so much bad about them ... dud plants. cn

<edit> Don't worry about counting the weeks. Use overall condition and trichome clariity/color as a guide.
If you're doing Lucas - does that mean you're using GH Flora? Their "basic recirculating" schedule is good ime. cn


Well-Known Member
Where are all those dudes that swear there is no such thing as nute burn!

You have serious nitrogen claw going on. your plants have diabetes from over eating! 420 ppm is an easy number to remember, thats what I shoot for.


canna- I'm using AN's version of Lucas method (Jungle Juice) not Flora, and yes I have also heard bad things about GH seeds, but I had no idea what I was looking for when I ordered them. Live n learn I guess lol

burrr - I'm beginning to agree with the nute problem - was only following the bottle lol - everything was great until like 2 weeks ago.

I covered my window with a big blanket, and will be adding strictly RO water to the ladies when topping for this nute cycle. Will use 50% of nutes next cycle..

This 9 week flower cycle might turn into 12 hehe

Once again thanks for the help guys.


Well-Known Member
If you think you have too much Nitrogen then don't flush yet...try watering with sugar water and see if it helps any symptoms..sugar is carbon so it binds up excess nitrogen until the plant needs it...You can continue to flower and with the light leak fixed I would assume they would stop stretching out so much, but as was said there are some plants that just do that...I would fix the leak and hope it goes well...the clawed down leaves are a symptom of too much N but they won't straighten out once the N issue is fixed...they will be curled like that's alright though, this is all a learning matter what you will get something off of this plant, so don't give up...just try to fix issues as they come up or are identified and wait it out.


Well-Known Member
Hell you are in need for the sugar water, just change the rez and give less N if any at all...although by now you have probably already done this, and as I said the leaves won't get


Hell you are in need for the sugar water, just change the rez and give less N if any at all...although by now you have probably already done this, and as I said the leaves won't get
Good to know that the leaves wont get better so I'm not expecting them to.

I will change the res soon, but gotta go get some RO water first.. which is a hassle since its a big 30g of RO water.. oh well lol.

Any yes - I'm loving the learning experience, I have learned so many things I could have and should have done differently to make it not only easier on the plants, but me also. It's just sad this had to happen at one of the most exciting stages of the process. Everything was going SO great before, but now I know for next time.


I have one of GHS chemdog also going under a 400w, and apart from the fact that i've overfed it many times and basically slapped it about too much it looks a bit raggedy, but it sure has produced for me. This pic was on day 47/49 ish, and all pistils are still bright white. Won't know if they are dud plants as stated above, i can only come to that conclusion once it's harvested,cured and smoked.

