Some Few Questions


Hello! First time here. Been browsing this forum for quite some time and it's been hell of a help! You guys did a wicked job with this site. So I have a simple setup, but have no idea what strain my four plants are. 3 are the same strain, the other is unknown (funny story too).


The last picture, does anyone know what this is? I really want to know. Knowldge on the others would be ncie too but maybe too small to tell yet? The purple plant was from 3 seeds I dumped in my tropical house plant soil 3 months back, I dug up some soil one day and it was growing 3 inches under soil! I couldn't believe it. I took it out and transplanted to its own pot (its small I will be moving this to large pretty quick). Such a trooper and seems very happy. All these plants are grown much more since these pictures. Any info would be appreciated!


Active Member
couldnt tell you about the strain, but at this point (in veg) i would be using a higher k bulb. those look like 2700k bulbs, you need like 6500k (much whiter light) for veg and save the low k's for flower. good luck

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
While what gotigers says is true in an ideal world, what you have is OK. I'd be all about getting more of them, and getting them closer to the tops. And that one plant isn't any kind of Cannabis I've ever seen.


I have three 3000K 32watt CFL's, 2500K on the side. I would be using HPS if that setup wasn't ridiculous on cash. Do I even need to use dull side tinfoil? The room is very white so is that appropriate? The purple plant sure isn't a tropical house plant I can tell that much. I'll take a high res. picture of it and you'll see it better.
Like I said it was one of 2 that survived inside soil growing from seeds out of a good 'bag (I didn't know what I was doing at that time, didn't care too much) so it has to be something.


Active Member
Cannabis sativa , is a tall plant, generally between 8 and 12 feet. The leaves have long thin fingers and are light green. The more equatorial varieties have more yellow pigments to protect the plant from intense light. Sativa buds are long and thin and turn red as they mature in a warm environment. In cooler environments the buds may be slightly purple. Sativa plants smell sweet and fruity and the smoke is generally quite mild. It is a source of fiber for rope and other products and it contains THC which gives smokers the psychic effects they seek. The leaves of this plant are smoked but the most highly prized part of the plant is the top.

Cannabis indica, is plentiful in the Mideast, India, and Central Asia especially Afghanistan, Kashmire, and Pakistan. It is a short plant, generally between 3 and 6 feet, and its leaves have short broad fingers. The leaves are generally dark green sometimes tinged with purple. As they near maturity, the leaves may become significantly more purple. It is a strong smelling plant with a "stinky" or "skunky" smell. The smoke of indicas is generally thick and more prone to cause coughing when inhaled. Indicas are the traditional source of hashish.


Active Member
I assume that is basically a "clone" of your tropical house plant. But u fucked me up, now I've spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out what it is.


This has the fuzzy hairs and characteristics of the bud I smoked before dropping in the seeds. This is even producing a very faint fruity aroma. My house plant is a plain old tropical plant with absolutely no similar resemblances what so ever (color, design, etc.). Like I said, I dropped 3 seeds in the soil months back, needed to dig up soil for a grow and discovered it in the same spot I buried them.

House plants don't grow their own cannabis inside the plant soil and surprise the owner with that 3 months later (They need love for that).

It is pretty much a under-developed version of what should be this: