Some good info about switching to flower


Well-Known Member
I just posted this in another thread but it has some good information in it so I thought I'd make a thread for people looking for some solid information. This is from an interview with Adam from T.H. Seeds.

Your preferred growing method? For personal use go for a good bio soil follow the nutrient guidelines of that particular company, In Europe most particularly Holland there are hundreds of different nutrient companies promising bigger this, better that, more yield etc. I recommend giving them a try but sticking with them for that crop rather than mixing this with that. As to my preferred growing method for production, go for coco, coco slabs, to me I find using the slabs a lot more controllable.

Finally, any tips for our green fingered U.K. readers? Great question. If a plant is healthy from the beginning, has vigorous growth and is bug free, then the need for extra nutrients/boosters isn't necessary, and you will find the natural balance of your garden. Companies are always offering better results, promises of better yield etc. but how are you going to tell if you don't know how your garden grows with little or no aid from extra nutrients or boosters? Also, before you put your garden into flowering from 18 to 12 hours, give the plants 36 hours of darkness; by doing this it, will reset the plants natural body clock. After 36 hours (or anything between 24 and 40 hours) the plant will go straight into flowering rather than adjusting from 18 to 12 which in some strains can mean an extra few weeks. When the plant is finished give it another 36 hours, this will reset the body clock again this time the plant knows it is finished and will push out all remaining energy into its last trichome production try it. There is so much different advice or tips that the only thing I can recommend is that you visit us here at Hempworks the next time you come to Amsterdam: we are on the Nieuwendijk to the left of central station. Here you will find a great selection of Hemp wear, seeds and great glass ware as well as a good hit of sage! See you soon.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Dont believe the whole darkness stuff. I've tried it and it made no differnce. I tried it with different strains too. I am talking about the darkness at the end. As for the 24-40 hours of darkness for flowering, no thanks. Almost every strain I grow responds in 7-10 days.


Well-Known Member
Dont believe the whole darkness stuff. I've tried it and it made no differnce. I tried it with different strains too. I am talking about the darkness at the end. As for the 24-40 hours of darkness for flowering, no thanks. Almost every strain I grow responds in 7-10 days.
"As for the 24-40 hours of darkness for flowering, no thanks"

What do you mean ? It is just a one time thing before you turn the lights on 12/12.

18/6 --> 36 hours of darkness --> 12/12

I don't see a problem with it, if it gives quicker response to flowering, sounds good to me. I've never tried it but will next time.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
"give the plants 36 hours of darkness; by doing this it, will reset the plants natural body clock. After 36 hours (or anything between 24 and 40 hours) the plant will go straight into flowering rather than adjusting from 18 to 12 "

Thats what I mean. Problem is, why bother. Not here to fight, just straighten things out. By doing this you will probably have hermies. Quite a few grows around here got ruined during the ice storms this winter. Anyone without a backup generator really suffered. i have alot of "friends" that grow in the area including myself. Speaking from experience. not from something I read. happy growing. Keep us posted if you try this.


Well-Known Member
"give the plants 36 hours of darkness; by doing this it, will reset the plants natural body clock. After 36 hours (or anything between 24 and 40 hours) the plant will go straight into flowering rather than adjusting from 18 to 12 "

Thats what I mean. Problem is, why bother. Not here to fight, just straighten things out. By doing this you will probably have hermies. Quite a few grows around here got ruined during the ice storms this winter. Anyone without a backup generator really suffered. i have alot of "friends" that grow in the area including myself. Speaking from experience. not from something I read. happy growing. Keep us posted if you try this.

No fight here just an exchange of info. Did they get ruined because they were already in flower when the power went out ? I was just trying to clarify if you thought he meant adding extra hours of darkness after the flowering cycle began. Usually before flower I just turn the lights out the day before and switch them back on 12/12 for whatever time of day I want the lights on. They probably get 12 - 15 hours of darkness before switching to flower. I didn't see where adding some more hours to this would hurt anything. I can see if you are already flowering and have the lights out for 36 hours could be a problem. I figured since the guy sells high quality seeds that if he had problems he wouldn't be advising it.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
He's a pro breeder. Where as i am a novice breeder. I usually dont believe it till i try it. Not saying it wouldn't work though. i think the chance of hermies outways the benefit of speeding it up a week with extended darkness. Whats one more week.
I am having a problem with purple stems and now I have noticed purple streaks up the stalk, I am growing white widow.. Can someone tell me if I am having a nutrient problem? I am using a 600hps light, and the 3 step flora nutes, which I follow to the "T".. Room is staying at 78 degrees and around 43% humdity.. I am a first timer and every little thing worries me

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
No worries. Lots of strains do this. if they look healthy and are growing healthy then they probably are. Next time, post a new thread instead of jacking this one. happy growing


Well-Known Member
ive read in a cannabis culture once in the ask ed portion...

someone had sent in a short question stating that they put their plants in 36 hours dark b4 switching to 12/12 and that they showed the sex right away when the lights came back on. they wondered if this was something that anyone else tried. Ed said something along the lines of... ive never heard of that, has anyone else tried this? please let us know!

so i havent found alot of hard info on it, but i did try it myself with 4 plants...
3 out of the 4 turned male and the one female took almost 7 days longer to show its sex than those put straight into 12/12 without the dark period. it also doesnt have any more resin on the plant. however this was not done with clones so i cant say for sure that this is a bad thing to try, i just had bad luck myself...


Well-Known Member
I honestley didnt try the darkness breaking her into 12/12, but i gave 4 out of 8 a 3 day darkness before finish. I found out this made no differance.