some good shit


Well-Known Member
More info on the setup? Nute line, ec, ph, strain, etc. Tap water/RO? N deficiency's common first symptom is usually more widespread interveinal chlorosis, not just chlorosis right at the tips like you have. It'd be odd for a deficiency of anything else at that age though, unless you have a lockout.


got no nutes rn getting them soon gonna be using genaral hydroponics flora micro i use tap water but let it stand a couple days i got 2 air pumps in the bucket for oxygen bubbles strain grand daddy purp ph 6.1 to 6.3 i try and keep it there


Well-Known Member
What's the ppm of your tap? You should be starting to feed very light concentrations. Idk about gh products, I use DG. My short experience with free gh nutes has left me with 3 almost full bottles of nutes I'll never use. Be sure to get the hardwater line if you need it, that can cause problems (one of my many). Another reason to test your tap

6.1-6.3 is on the high end for seedlings IME. I also know people who use 7.0+ water for clones/seedlings and have no issues though.
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just waiting on my ppm meter to come in the mail so ill check that when i t does and what would u say would be a good ph for this young


Well-Known Member
I keep mine 5.5-5.7 but like I said others I know run way higher with no issues, so that shouldn't be causing a problem. Once your water is tested, figure out if you need the hardwater line or not, and start feeding a very weak concentration asap. Let us know if that takes care of it.


150 watt sun system and i use a tablespoon of molasses with a cup of warm water stir it up right nice so its easy to mix then add that to the hydro system witch has 3 gallons water still bad or :o


Well-Known Member
Molasses is used to feed microbes, not plants. So you're essentially feeding the very stuff we all spend so much time figuring out how to get rid of, or at least control. I use molasses and EWC to feed the myco in the tea that I brew, but they eat it for 48 hours, then I strain everything else out before adding it to my res. So it's far from the same thing as what you're doing. Read heisenbergs thread in the dwc section if youre interested in more info.

150w, as long as its air cooled, can be as close as you want, they don't put off much heat.