Some hella NEWBIE questions *pics*


Well-Known Member
Without going back through the pages, didn't you transplant them recently? Could be some transplant shock.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
ya its transplant shock probably. You may not see new growth for 2-3 weeks because the roots are acclimating to their surroundings. Using the same growing media throughout the grow helps stop this in my experience.


Well thank you to everyone who gave some input last night, when times were rough.

Looks like you all once again were right on.
The plant that was drooping soo badly popped itself right back up and now it standing proudly vertical.

The one with the brown spots on the leaves is gettin a lil worse, but not noticeably.

TO 100W HPS:

Thank alot for that comment, it helps when things are not looking well.

Here are you daily photos of the 3 plants. The 1st photo was the droopy guy last night..


Dude you are an inspiration! I am just about to get started with my first project and will definitely continue to follow you through the journey!


Good morning!

1st off i wanna thank everyone for the good words. Secretariat26 I hope you have as much fun with this as I am currently having.

Now onto the plants.
It has been 3 days since their last drink.
The soil is not starting to get the dry look/feeling however if i stick a finger in the dirt, dirt sticks to my finger. Looks like tomorrow will be next watering time. So i guess I have sort off developed a schedule. Every 4 days each plant gets waterings.

One plant still has very yellow leaves for the bottom section, and brown spots on 2 of the main leaves. (Im still not panicing but its not makin me happy either :) )

**QUESTION** Should I be misting the leaves? And if so should i use nute water or pure water?

**QUESTION** I am going to get some miracle grow tomato food tonight, should i use the moleasses and the MG tomato food? Or cut out the moleasses? Or 1/2 and 1/2? And What dilution strentgh should i be using for the MG tomato plant food?

Thanks alot again to everyone!
Till tomorrow,
Keep Growin'


Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I would never use MG for marijuana growth it will almost always over fertilize. I wouldn't mist the leaves don't get bored and try to overthink your grow, be patient. Misting leaves lets mold come. IF the soil is wet a 1/4 inch down then DONT WATER until it is. Its as simple as that.


I would never use MG for marijuana growth it will almost always over fertilize. I wouldn't mist the leaves don't get bored and try to overthink your grow, be patient. Misting leaves lets mold come. IF the soil is wet a 1/4 inch down then DONT WATER until it is. Its as simple as that.

1/4inch you say?

1/4 inch down is dry as a bone, but 1 inch down is still moist... What do you think?

I really dont wanna overthink, I should point out that humidity is a serious issue in my grow closet, due to the fans and the lighting setup, the fan (NON OSCILATING) is directed at the plant leaves/bulbs to maintain tempurature 20 hours a day. Thus making humidity only 20% in the closet (Quite dry IMO)

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
That is what jorge cervantes says to do, a quarter inch. 20% humidity is way low u should consider getting a 30 dollar humidifier. it should be like 40-50


Well-Known Member
I can rarely keep my humidity above 28%, mcface - usually unless it's way high, the temps are much more critical than the humidity.


Good Evening to all out there!

Sorry had family engagements that prevented my update from going up this morning. So without further ado...

Seems that the plant in the 1st pic as beautiful as it looks, the yellowing is progressing...

The 2nd plant pic is still no change since the transplant( I assume its still getting accustomed to the soil.

The 3rd plant photo, is the one that was drooping heavily the other day. As you can see its starting to go down again. (Im not concerned YET)

QUESTION about watering?
Should i be using the water with the molasses every time? Or should i just be using it occasionally?

As always till tomorrow,
Keep growin'



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use the molasses every time. I don't know if you read it or no, but molasses will also lower your ph, anywhere from a mere .2, up to a whole point.


Hey guys,

Sorry started the 1st day at the new job today.

So the droopy plant is still drooping pretty badly as can be seen in the 1st attached photo. Been like this ever since i watered it a few days ago.

Attached photo #2 , this guy has really been yellowing from the bottom leaves. Getting progressively worse. What could it be? Any solutions?

Attached photo #3 this is the 3rd plant and it seems to be doing alright thus far. However I now see how a grow can go south pretty damn fast.

Anyways if i could get some advice on what to do that would be great!
till tomorrow,
keep growin'


Just hang in there man, I feel like those plants just need a chance to get adjusted since you have been repotting them. Make sure that light is nice and close and only water when needed. I think theyre gona be ok.


Hey guys sorry i havent been as active, this 1st week of work is killing me!

Anyways onto the plants...

Pic#1 is getting progressivly worse. the bottom leaves are now dry and crumbly... the top growth however looks great.

Pic #2 This is the plant that went all droopy on me the other night, it is still drooping pretty signafintally however it seems to perhaps be getting a little bit better..

Pic #3 This plant is doing very well the veg growth is beautiful and fast growing. Each new set of leaves are larger and more serrated. This looks good.

I have picked up some shultz liaquid plant food. its 10-15-10. Can i use this or should i stay away??

Till tomorrow.
Keep growin'

