Some help from a pro ??


Active Member
I started my 'blue cheese' 2 weeks ago (They have been veggin for 13days)

8 ladies
Canna coco soil and pebs
600w HPS
Wilma self watering system givin each girl approx 1 pint (500mil) of water twice a day (for now)
All ventilation / extraction / carbon filter set up perfect and running temp is approx 27 - 31 Celcius

My problem is some of the tips of the first leaves are starting to curl up/down and are turning yellow and light brown... i have read about over watering and underwatering but cant diagnose why they seem to be turning brown.

It doesnt look too serious at the moment but dont want it to get worse and this is ofcourse a vital stage for the future of them...

Any ideas what i might be doing wrong?

(I gave them just water (chlorine free) for the first week of veg - the start of the 2nd week i have added to correct amounts of first stage nutes to the tank)

All water PH levels are spot on. I havnt checked the PH of the soil yet.

Any help appreciated



Well-Known Member
hey man, pictures would help, but from what i am reading it seems you may be burning your plants if you are already nuting after just 2 weeks of growth. I would let up on the nutes for a week, see if the brown stops spreading, and adjust from there.


Active Member
Cheers bruv, ive emptied my tank and filled with distilled water only... will give them a good flush through and see how they look in a week.

Fingers crossed.

(i posted same thread in indoor forum ("Blue Cheese Some Advice Please") and will be posting some pics of them this eve if you want to check them out.)