some help needed for my first grow!


Soil 10L
MH/HPS 600w
2x carbon filters
2 fans


Top dawg:leaf:
Jack herer:leaf:


easy rider:leaf:
lemon skunk:leaf:

Advanced nutrients:

Sensi grow A
Sensi grow b
Sensi bloom A
Sensi bloom B
Big bud
Bud candy

so ive sorted out everything and im ready to grow ( in first week of seedlings atm )
and ive been looking around to find out the best way of using my nutepack, the answer i have been getting is that AN's calculator is good but that i should only use like 25% of what it says, and my question now is how to i mix my nutes the best way? i have heard that depending on in what order you mix your nutrients and fertilizers into the water it has different kind of effects? also when they grow older shouldnt i be able to feed them more than 25%? or is that for the whole lifecycle?

my second problem is i have no experience regarding autoflowering seeds, my plan is to flower them while i veg my photoplants, and when they are done flower the big ones :) ofcourse im going to LST the photoplants and experiment alot with them so they dont grow way to big, lucky for me i have more than enough room so thats not really a worry :) so to the point, should i bloom them in 18/6 as i veg my photoplants? need someone that knows what he or she is doing :)

other than that i would love some ambitious ideas or solutions or anything really, i want to learn as much as possible during this grow! :) so come on now all of you potheads out there i know you have some inspiration for me!

(sorry for my bad english, i hope you guys get me)


From what I've read your right on with your autos. Got a pretty sweet list of supplies and strains too.


Well-Known Member
Why do beginners buy multiple part nute systems? That's the fastest way to kill your plants. I've been growing a couple of years and now I use a single bottle of nutrient, because it has it all..... GH Flora Nova Bloom..... check out the guaranteed analysis..... The only thing I have to add occasionally is Cal-Mag due to my using distilled water.

As far as mixing your nutes in any particular order and believing the effects will be different, depending on order of mixing, asking or believing that, is more evidence that you are in over your head. You also can't decide when to flower auto plants.... they begin flowering on their own, almost as soon as they have sprouted....

I'd personally take back all of those nutrients.... and go simple. I'd hate to see your thread 3 weeks from now with burnt tips and stunted plants...


Why do beginners buy multiple part nute systems? That's the fastest way to kill your plants. I've been growing a couple of years and now I use a single bottle of nutrient, because it has it all..... GH Flora Nova Bloom..... check out the guaranteed analysis..... The only thing I have to add occasionally is Cal-Mag due to my using distilled water.

As far as mixing your nutes in any particular order and believing the effects will be different, depending on order of mixing, asking or believing that, is more evidence that you are in over your head. You also can't decide when to flower auto plants.... they begin flowering on their own, almost as soon as they have sprouted....

I'd personally take back all of those nutrients.... and go simple. I'd hate to see your thread 3 weeks from now with burnt tips and stunted plants...
haha obviously he knows he cant decide when to flower the autoflowerings, and the nutrients are good. think you got it right!


ehm well, i know i cant decide the exact time to flower my autos, im not fucking lost. i've been growing with friends before using different nutrients, this is my first own grow and wether its a waste of money or not is up for me to decide innit? i was just looking for more experienced-not-hating growers to give me advices. and the thing with the nutrientmixing was because i read a discussion in some forum when i was stoned,read smtng about what to add first, fetilizers or nutrients or something but i was really baked at the time so i guess it was a huge missunderstanding then, my english isnt the best either.


Well-Known Member
Why do beginners buy multiple part nute systems? That's the fastest way to kill your plants. I've been growing a couple of years and now I use a single bottle of nutrient, because it has it all..... GH Flora Nova Bloom..... check out the guaranteed analysis..... The only thing I have to add occasionally is Cal-Mag due to my using distilled water.

As far as mixing your nutes in any particular order and believing the effects will be different, depending on order of mixing, asking or believing that, is more evidence that you are in over your head. You also can't decide when to flower auto plants.... they begin flowering on their own, almost as soon as they have sprouted....

I'd personally take back all of those nutrients.... and go simple. I'd hate to see your thread 3 weeks from now with burnt tips and stunted plants...
+rep for you.

As far as AN, yes they need to be mixed in a certain order. You will need to do your research here.

Good luck with the grow.



Well-Known Member
Soil 10L
MH/HPS 600w
2x carbon filters
2 fans


Top dawg:leaf:
Jack herer:leaf:


easy rider:leaf:
lemon skunk:leaf:

Advanced nutrients:

Sensi grow A
Sensi grow b
Sensi bloom A
Sensi bloom B
Big bud
Bud candy

so ive sorted out everything and im ready to grow ( in first week of seedlings atm )
and ive been looking around to find out the best way of using my nutepack, the answer i have been getting is that AN's calculator is good but that i should only use like 25% of what it says, and my question now is how to i mix my nutes the best way? i have heard that depending on in what order you mix your nutrients and fertilizers into the water it has different kind of effects? also when they grow older shouldnt i be able to feed them more than 25%? or is that for the whole lifecycle?

my second problem is i have no experience regarding autoflowering seeds, my plan is to flower them while i veg my photoplants, and when they are done flower the big ones :) ofcourse im going to LST the photoplants and experiment alot with them so they dont grow way to big, lucky for me i have more than enough room so thats not really a worry :) so to the point, should i bloom them in 18/6 as i veg my photoplants? need someone that knows what he or she is doing :)

other than that i would love some ambitious ideas or solutions or anything really, i want to learn as much as possible during this grow! :) so come on now all of you potheads out there i know you have some inspiration for me!

(sorry for my bad english, i hope you guys get me)
Your English is WAY better than most people who live in the U.S.


Here's some good info I've seen passed around, should help you out:

This is my understanding of how to use Advanced nutrients, and it has worked great for me, I was taught this by my mentor grower... If it's wrong, can someone please either correct it, or tell me why it works.

Here's 2 questions people have PM'd me about and I've seen it asked else where on the forums more than once....
How do I use the Advanced Nutrients additives and fertilizers together?
How do I reach those target PPMs?

If you've ever used the nutrient calculator an the Advanced Nutrient website... At first, it's a little confusing to say the least... It lists most of the products in every feeding/fertilizer plan... But what if you aren't using all the products listed? Does it still apply to you?... The answer is yes, just ignore what you don't have.

Hopefully I'll answer these questions to your satisfaction... If I don't, feel free to ask

Start by adding the recommended amounts of the additives you have, find these amounts on the Advanced Nutrients calculator by selecting your product line, then your feeding program from the drop down lists, then enter your reservoir size.

Once you have added the recommended amounts of your additives, measure the PPM. You shouldn't be at your target PPM yet, if you are, you probably did something wrong.

Next, slowly add your fertilizer(s) in the proper ratios(for instance, equal parts for Connoisseur) to your reservoir until you reach your target PPM.

Now just aim for the Target PPMs every week using this method... Lets' say that you were later on into flowering and now your additive amount is zero, yet your PPM is still up there, easy, just add the fertilizer all by it's self to your reservoir until you reach your target PPM.

And if not, call AN. They're really helpful and they've listened to some utterly stupid questions from me when I first started out.

good luck - awesome Advanced Nutrients lineup. Love this one.