Some help needed, indoor growing


Active Member
Well, I'm contemplating going into very small scale growing, in a small apartment.

I have a chest, which I would like to use as a place to grow

it is about 2'X2'X5', so 20^2 ft in total.

Would it be possible to grow anything in there? I would, of course, put in sodium lamps, and a ventilation system.

Also, if it was possible, what strains should I grow?

Many thanks guys


Well-Known Member
2x2x5 high is 4sq ft...

sounds like a good box for a lone plant, rock and rollitup ;)

a 250-400w hps would be killer, you'd need to cool it, via cool tube, or ac, but it's deff doable!



Elite Rolling Society
Yep, it is doable. NOT the most desirable, but it is do able. Where it is really lacking is HEIGHT. IF your lights take up 18 inches, and your resouvoir tank is 18 inches, that is 3 feet, leaving you 2 feet for the plant.
If you get one small plant and harvest half an ounce, you possibly spend more than your Harvest is worthy dollar wise, but there is NOTHING like smoking your own GROW.


Active Member
Dang. I thought you could angle sodium lights. Once afgain, it is incredibly small scale, for personal casual use only. And as for the tray, surely rockwool with an inch of fertiliser enriched water would work?