some help please


my plant is 5 and half weeks into flowering and my leafs are starting to turn yellow.
i am using canna terra soil.
per 2 leters of water my nutes are.
6ml of biosevia bloom.
4ml of biosevia grow.
and 2ml of green fuse bloom.
i water every day just less than 1 leter.
temps high of 84 and low of 68.
the plant run off smells like rotten egg.
i have a couple of really bad pics will try to get better ones the morra.
all help would be appreciated thx.


Well-Known Member
might be root rot.try flushing her out with Ph water.the yellowing sounds like a defense problem.if anything take clones and start over.u shouldn't be watering everyday.are u in soil hydro or what


hi thx for your responce i am using canna terra soil you think its that bad.
hope not i will give the flush a try thx again.