Some Help


Well-Known Member
I am currently growing in an aerogarden as some know. I am having a little trouble though and i cant put my finger on it. First of all i know that pics will help and am gonna try to get those up tonight but for now ill explain.

I have 3 bag seed they seemd to be doing fine and growing well and then they just came to a hault. I have checked temps as well as made sure that they have plenty of lighting. i havent started nutes at all, although it about time to.

the bottemm two leafs have turned yellow but all of what new growth there is is as green as it can be. And stays that way.

I have the ph as close to 5.7-5.8 as i can, but it seemed that once i started geting the water right the plants stopped growing.

Im lost, i have seen grows at the same rate as mine and my plants are no where near the size.

Any suggestions are appreciated


Well-Known Member
one more thing to add to the question

is there a difference in pH up and down chemicals? Is one better than another or are they all the same?


Well-Known Member
you can find most of ur answeres in the instructions thread in my sig.
there is a huge difference!REad the growfaq.Get the medical growers bible and any useful info on growing u can get ur hands on.YOu cant expect people to come to you all the time or youll be waitin forever!!LOL.but do alot of reading is my suggestion to you.go on youtube and watch every marijuana related growing videos there is.Thats how i learned.


Well-Known Member
you can find most of ur answeres in the instructions thread in my sig.
there is a huge difference!REad the growfaq.Get the medical growers bible and any useful info on growing u can get ur hands on.YOu cant expect people to come to you all the time or youll be waitin forever!!LOL.but do alot of reading is my suggestion to you.go on youtube and watch every marijuana related growing videos there is.Thats how i learned.
thanks man i appericate the insight. I know that if i wait around ill never get what i am looking for and my plants will eventually die.....

just wanted to see some quick advice or quick reference thats all and i have been doing so much reading. Almost to the point where i am seeing green lol. But i think i found the issue to my problem. pH and PPM. I was going about it all wrong got it corrected and with in 3 hrs of the changes my plants started perking up

not gonna say i am in the clear but i got my fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
if they are picking up now ,they will be just fine.Deffiniteley get a ph pen and a TDS meter,then you cant fail unless its on purpose or experimenting.thats why we have such good grows.


Well-Known Member
Plants have taken a big step in the positive. I babied them back to health. Got the root rot out of the picture, as well as got my pH in line. I noticed a huge growth in roots over the last two days.



Well-Known Member
Plants have taken a big step in the positive. I babied them back to health. Got the root rot out of the picture, as well as got my pH in line. I noticed a huge growth in roots over the last two days.

Yea man they lookin good to me!Making a great recovery!keep up the good work and check that ph daily.


Well-Known Member
Yea man they lookin good to me!Making a great recovery!keep up the good work and check that ph daily.

Thanks guys i appreciate the help as well as the comments. I have been watching them twice a day to make sure.

the new root development is outstanding almost to the point where i couldn't believe it.

One more thing....SICC i found a air rod/bubble wand that fits diagnally under the AG airstone from corner to corner and it sits all the way on the botton secured with suction cups works great. it gives a nice balance of bubbles all over the tank


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys i appreciate the help as well as the comments. I have been watching them twice a day to make sure.

the new root development is outstanding almost to the point where i couldn't believe it.

One more thing....SICC i found a air rod/bubble wand that fits diagnally under the AG airstone from corner to corner and it sits all the way on the botton secured with suction cups works great. it gives a nice balance of bubbles all over the tank
yea its those bubble curtains,i picked up a pack today to put in the BP when it arrives!


Well-Known Member
yea its those bubble curtains,i picked up a pack today to put in the BP when it arrives!
I am actually in the process of building a BP system. Its really easy and the parts have been cheeper than to buy the kit. The kit is a good price though if you dont have time to build one


Well-Known Member
I am actually in the process of building a BP system. Its really easy and the parts have been cheeper than to buy the kit. The kit is a good price though if you dont have time to build one
Yea it is if ya think about it plus theres no HYDRO store anywhere around here.Very Very easy to build/make one but i just didnt have the time ,i would have to order the parts online and by the time i pay S&H cost it would prolly ne more!So i just ordered another one,i cant see my monsters in such a small unit,i need more room for the roots.


Well-Known Member
Yea it is if ya think about it plus theres no HYDRO store anywhere around here.Very Very easy to build/make one but i just didnt have the time ,i would have to order the parts online and by the time i pay S&H cost it would prolly ne more!So i just ordered another one,i cant see my monsters in such a small unit,i need more room for the roots.
I am beginning to see this issue as we speak. I have removed three plants and am going with the three left.

2 are bag seed and one is ak-47

I should have pics up tonight have they grown


Well-Known Member
I am beginning to see this issue as we speak. I have removed three plants and am going with the three left.

2 are bag seed and one is ak-47

I should have pics up tonight have they grown

well please fill us in on the progress of the grow man!