Some kind of deficiency?


Well-Known Member
do tell? what are you feeding it? what soil is it in? lights? temps? strain? no doubt its one of those
White widow from nirvana, 250 mh |(running 24h), hesi nutrients(no vitamins), temp 25-29C, PLAGRON Light Mix, in their 3rd week, don't know humidity
Please note that out of 4 plants only 2 tallest display these symptoms
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Well-Known Member
I really not sure but I'll throw my 2 cents in,
Looks to me like to much nitrogen, really dark Green like that, but that is just my opinion.
Good luck I sure hope you get it figured out.


Yup, looks like nitrogen toxicity, soil might be a little hot and adding nutes just cooked em up. Flush with PH'd water and look for signs of recovery in new growth .(not sure with nitrogen tox,but some deficiency/toxicity damage leaves never recover, so best to observe new growth).