some newb questions (first grow)

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member

I've watched this board a long time, tried many failed seed orders ,and finally got some seeds, germinated 3, 2 popped in 24 hours, the third one popped at 48 hours.


So, all CFL for first grow (trying to follow GK's "Buds for Less" book).

This is in a closet that was previously our "coat" closet.

My questions:

1. At what point will I have to worry about odor control?
2. Since most people tie in odor control to ventilation, I'm not real sure what to do. There are no ventilation holes from the closet, and I'm a bit hesitant to cut down more dry wall. Venting to the attic look like a ton of work.

The room is not air tight, because the door had what I call "slats' or vents in it. I've taped up an emergency blanket/mylar substitute to the door to help with the light leaks. Also put up weatherstripping on the door. Some light still gets out, but it doesn't look too horrible.

6 42 watt CFL's, so far, btw.

So I'm not real sure what to do about either ventilation or odor control.



Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it mate. Im in my closet with cfl's and i have no ventilation. I just started 12/12 yesterday and things are fine. Just buy a black sheet from almost anywhere and use pushpins to hang it up over the door. That will block light from getting in. You won't have to worry about smell for a while. When can we see pic's of this setup?


Well-Known Member
yeah I was going to say what the Doc said... Don't worry about light getting out.. worry about light getting IN during flowering... But you have a while to go before worrying about that. As far as smell is concerned again I agree with the doc, it won't be something you have to worry about for a while. However in saying that it never hurts to plan shit out as far ahead as possible to allow for errors and unexpected happenings !

Good Luck, Can't wait to see some pics !!

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member

Hey, since you two seem to be pretty active in responding:

--what does your cost per month go up to for electricity, even when using CFL's?

I'm currently at 6 bulbs at 42 watts per bulb. Was thinking of doing 24/7 while vegging...wondering how much that is going to add to my electric bill.