Some of my plants are growing balls


Active Member
Im guessing their males because im seeing some plants have very small pouches. But the thing is that their still vegging. Does that mean that their going into flowing? or is this normal. When are you supose to be able to see the sex of the plant?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Plants will show there sex in veg state.
Every plant is different, but it should show within a few weeks of sprouting.
Pics would be helpful in determining your specific plant sex.


Well-Known Member
Plants start to Pre Flower when they reach Sexual Maturity.

This means they ready to flower when the lighting changes. Premature plants do not flower as good as Mature plants.

Sometimes you see indoor growers trying to flower from seed. They are forcing the plant and it will have unbalanced hormone levels. Therefore it will not flower as vigorously as a mature clone would.


Active Member
yeah i was too lazy to take pictures but no doubt that they were males. so thats 7/10 females on the blue cheese. so thats like 5 males out of about 15ish