Some of our clones want to flower


Active Member
Growing Master Kush clones
Running 18 hours on 6 off on the lighting
Running 2 400 Metal Halide lighting bulbs

Have been vedging for 6 weeks

Have 2 questions

- Some of the plants want to start flowering even though we have not put them into "flowering mode" what do we do? The plants are not big enough to go into flowering mode yet.

- Most of the plants are growing 3 leaves at the top....what does this mean is it bad and if so how do we fix


Well-Known Member
Question 1 might just be the signs of preflower. From what I understand they show this characteristic when the plant has matured, totally normal.

Question 2 doesn't sound bad, maybe it's just genetics within the plant. Never grown it.


Active Member
So if they have matured does that mean I should move them into "flowering" mode?

We only have a couple of the 12 that are a foot tall....from what I had read I though we were not supposed to move to the flowering mode until they reach foot tall height......


Well-Known Member
clones are coming from a mature plant...thus making them a mature plant. Which is why you can flower a clone right off the bat. But flower them at whatever height you want...but you most def got options.


Well-Known Member
You can start clones out at 12/12 if you so desire.

Most people say 12" before flower so they can get 2-3' trees.
The plants will usually double or tripple in flowering.

If you want the others to catch up before you switch, then you can set the 2 on something to get them closer to the light.
This will stop stretching.

Do not worry about the flowering early.

From clone 6 weeks is plenty of veg time.
This is solely up to you though.
The pro to this is that the longer you veg the healthier the plants will be and the better and more bud you will get.

Good luck

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If you have been vegging for 6 weeks your plants should be taller than 12 inches.. un;less you were neglecting them on purpose until you could get them into proper conmtainers, lighting, etc... Clones can be kept for several months with no problem...

A plant that is 12 inches tall with 8-14 nodes is ready to flower... It will produce at least 3 ounces of BUD if the conditions are decent.

pictures please
