Some of our wonderful CEO's

You guys are fierce bitter.

The bankers rode the hole off us all, the corporations continue to ride us...and I say fair play to them.

Cos when we cut out all the bullshit, every last fucking one of us would do the same.

You want to pay me $25 mill? Fucking fair play, Id eat Somalian children for that.
The bankers rode the hole off us all, the corporations continue to ride us...and I say fair play to them.

Why do you consider it fair play?

Cos when we cut out all the bullshit, every last fucking one of us would do the same.

Maybe so, but does it make it right?

You want to pay me $25 mill? Fucking fair play, Id eat Somalian children for that.

That one made me laugh.

What happened to people getting paid based on their performance? Fuck these CEOs who get paid the same even though the company itself is failing. If he does good then he deserves more, if he does bad he should get less. The guy shouldn't be paid the same while the company is in the shitter.

It's not about hating success and successful people. My brother in law is very successful, I don't hate him. I know he worked hard to build his company and he should be rewarded. But when his company does bad he takes less money. If the company typically makes 50 million and he takes home 5 mil. Doesn't mean he takes home 5 million after the company only makes 35 million for the year.

He built the company himself, which roads and bridges did he use? Which fire and police service protects his business, what public school did he goto? We need to tax the rich more they are stealing from America
He built the company himself, which roads and bridges did he use? Which fire and police service protects his business, what public school did he goto? We need to tax the rich more they are stealing from America

It doesn't bug me that there are CEO's making lots of money.......I started a business over 3 decades ago.....I started small, and each week I made a profit I thought it was like winning the loto......I drove the same truck for nearly twenty years.....lived in the same shack of a house for twenty five years.......I paid a lot of tax's over the tax's, state tax's, corp tax's, fed tax's, road tax's, ............Just like anybody else that makes money and profits.......I haven't added it all up...but I think I paid for the right to use departments....police departments.......Nobody that makes money.... has to steal from anybody.......

I see it the other way around......some times I think the goverment is stealing from me........I think everybody should want to be like one of those CEO's.....I know I do.......I would like to be one of those 1% er's.........I don't know if I will make it....but I am not going to think I can't either................

I think this hate the rich was part of a political campaign That has gone out of control.......Right before the election was over my daughter made a anti Romney rant on face book and included her boss....It got back to her place of work and she lost her job over it......I guess she can thank Obama for that one.................nitro...
If I write technical manuals and they're awesome, which they are, I better get awesome pay. If their marketing department sucks and sales go down by half, that's not my concern. If my 5 mil goes to 2.5 mil, I'll write for a company that pays me 6 mil!

wait!! youre the asshole who writes technical manuals!!??? aww fuck!

i got a tip for ya, the steering/suspension section of a manual should contain at least a parts list for the steering column, my 98 dodge dakota manual had no mention of the steering column beyond instructions on removal of the steering wheel, which any moron could do!

seriously... an acurate description of the manual's steering/ suspension section in vicinity of the tilt steering mechanism's expected location:

section 5.7 Rack and Pinion Assembly
"Most models come equipped with Rack And Pinion Steering Assemblies"
<no further information, not one more word>

section 5.8 Parallelogram Steering Assembly
<detailed instructions on service of parallelogram steering>

section 5.9 Steering column
<how to pull the steering wheel, and thats it>

section 5.10 Dash Bezel Assembly
<incredibly detailed instructions for removing the 5 screws that hold the plastic beauty plate on the dash.>

i went through the entire book and found NOTHING about the rack and pinion steering assembly, or the tilt steering column assembly, which was the problem, and it was NOT the old fashions saginaw system!
i finally had to buy a complete steering column from a junkyard to disassemble myself just so i would know where the parts were supposed to be!

dude, fuck you with a fireplug!! i hate you with a passion that burns with the fury of a thousand suns.

Edt: for those who need to know, the entire tilt steering column assembly on the dodge dakota is a spring-loaded knuckle joint and bearing mechanism secured by a heavy bolt and steering box U-joint under the hood and a /14 ounce snap ring on the steering wheel end.

the spring is under about 40 kilos of pressure, and the snap ring hangs on by the edge of it's fingernails in a groove less than 2 mm deep in the steering column main shaft with no additional support. any sufficiently violent jolt to the front suspension can break the snap ring free (such as hitting a curb or a pothole), causing the shaft to "sproing" like a triphammer and yank the steering wheel and it's electronics down into the steering assembly to the limit of the steering wheel nut. this results in electrical components in the cruise control, horn, and airbag systems being destroyed (pulverised would be a better description) and could result in the unexpected deployment of the airbag right in your face. the "clockspring mechanism" that holds the wiring for all steering wheel mounted electronics costs around $250. and once it's "sproinged", it "sproings" itself quite readily forever more until you replace the entire column assembly.

TLDR; dont buy dodges anymore. they all use the same candy-ass system.
You guys are fierce bitter.

The bankers rode the hole off us all, the corporations continue to ride us...and I say fair play to them.

Cos when we cut out all the bullshit, every last fucking one of us would do the same.

You want to pay me $25 mill? Fucking fair play, Id eat Somalian children for that.

somali kids are like hotwings, more bone than meat. i'd have to grind a couple dozen at every sitting, and i wind up with a hotsauce ring around my maw.

Why do you consider it fair play?

that expression does not mean the actions were "Fairplay" it's more like "that play was fair, no foul!"

the eiru interpretation of english is somewhat... counter-intuitive.

like yoda, backwards sometimes they talk mm hmm!
There are millions of completely worthless employees, why are they never talked about?

for the same reason nobody reads the autobiography of vinyl siding salesmen or gas station attendants. theres no sizzle or pop, thats why joe-bob at the gas'n'gulp doesnt have more than a dozen or so twitter followers.

its fucking boring.
I do, actually did, inventory control system tech writing for the company policy manual.
Suck it.No matter how awesome my skills are,they're not part of the company's product.Yet without what I did,employees were stealing the company blind.
The thing is tho, if that was your pay scale, you wouldn't be acting like such a self righteous little bitch about it...would you? Sorry, my mistake, you'd spend it all feeding orphans in Mumbai and live in a cave off crag-water and strange cave mushrooms, right?
Who's acting like a little bitch, fuck face?
Why haven't I seen any bitching about Papa John's Pizza cuts? They're a fucking Democrat run company.Even the holy Democrats do the same shit.Obama is giving and taking from these 10 guys,yet the OP voted for and has wood for the dude who supports them!
Papa John's supports Democrats? Totally wrong. You are so far off the base it's unreal and you look stupid for it. He backed Romney and the GOP all the way.
What happened to people getting paid based on their performance? Fuck these CEOs who get paid the same even though the company itself is failing. If he does good then he deserves more, if he does bad he should get less. The guy shouldn't be paid the same while the company is in the shitter.

It's not about hating success and successful people. My brother in law is very successful, I don't hate him. I know he worked hard to build his company and he should be rewarded. But when his company does bad he takes less money. If the company typically makes 50 million and he takes home 5 mil. Doesn't mean he takes home 5 million after the company only makes 35 million for the year.


If the company doesn't make a profit the employees should not be paid!!!! Sound familiar?
It's funny how lefties talk about greed, then they go plunder the rich ultimately to serve themselves.

Holy Irony Batman!

how dare you offend my delicate sensibilities with your insensitive use of religious dog whistles and inflammatory christian rhetoric!!

of course that "Religious Content" renders moot everything you ever said, thought or typed.

now i shall copy that offending phrase and post it repeatedly with juvenile pictures and interweb memes as if that single statement were the whole of your being.

it's the Progressive Way.
how dare you offend my delicate sensibilities with your insensitive use of religious dog whistles and inflammatory christian rhetoric!!

of course that "Religious Content" renders moot everything you ever said, thought or typed.

now i shall copy that offending phrase and post it repeatedly with juvenile pictures and interweb memes as if that single statement were the whole of your being.

it's the Progressive Way.
I got out of that whole religion thing, "defected" is the official term. Im officially registered as Religion: Jedi on the census.

As such, given Im a Galactic Peace Keeper, I can say as I fucking well please ;)