Some plants have yellowing at the first leaves


Active Member
Some of my plants have a little yellowing on the first two leaves before the nodes start. The rest of the plant/plants looks okay. I attached two pictures trying to show it. The one leave is a little brown too. The lights white out the picture a bit. I am using a 400w MH and 3 24" fluorescent light fixtures with 4100k bulbs.

BTW they are 19 days old.


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No offense intended, you are being a worry wart, the plants look fine to me. If your plants yellow from the bottom up give them some nitrogen if you aren't and if you are give them more.


Active Member
Checked on it this morning and the first two leaves are pretty dry and brittle. Also wilting a bit. I gave them all a good watering this morning. Also moved the one in the grow bag to the outer perimeter. I wonder if the light or heat from the light is drying them out? Maybe water more often? I need to get the air to exchange better.

I have a giant nutone 10" wall fan that I was going to put in the wall that will exhaust into a large closet that is under the steps to the basement. It would be on the opposite wall from the shower. Then I would put a twin blade window fan above the shower door to pull the air out of the shower/grow area. The bathroom exaust fan is just not pulling enough heat out. Temps are holding around 80.
There is a pretty good gap at the bottom of the bathroom door to pull fresh air in. Once everything is hooked up if it is not getting enough air I might try putting a vent at the bottom of the door.


Blazed Hippie

Active Member
buddy, i know its scary to see necrosis on your plants. It is for me. However, these seed leaves will get decreased light more and more over the course of life and eventually die and fall off. Worry about your fan leaves not the seed leaves. Those leaves are there just to help the plant get enuff light to create the fan leaves when its a baby.

Edit: also is that a meat gauge ur using, does that accurately check the temp of the soil??


Active Member
Thanks for the input. That is what I needed to know about the seed leaves. I wasn't sure if they were still vital to the overall health of the plant being that they are at the bottom nearest to the roots.

Yeah that is a meat gauge. Believe it or not it works pretty darn good. I grabbed it when I was looking for a teaspoon in the kitchen. I also have a digital probe that I use on everything from pool water to grilled chicken. I just leave it sitting at the top in the middle for a quick check.


Active Member
if only seed leafs then just wait till they drop off , but dosnt really matter if you pull them off now . Once them little leafs start to dry up and die then your plants are telling you that its time to start feeding with light nutes


Active Member
when you come to repot your plants ,,, make sure you cover where them leafs came from with soil and you will get more roots ...

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I let them fall off. I tend to do things in a way nature allows. This is ur decision it shouldn't hurt the plant much if you do. I just dont like cutting unless its needed.