Some quick harvesting questions


Active Member
Ok, so first post and my first grow.

The harvest has been rushed due to supplier mis-communication so I am not entirely happy but they were only ~2 weeks from being good anyway.

As I have not seen any information on harvesting other than what is here and hearsay from others, I am relying on you guys :mrgreen:

I have been flushing them for several days with plain pH adjusted water and the EC is still quite high (~4.7) so I know there are some nutes left.

I will probably only give them 5 or so days of flushing, now do you let the coco (medium) to dry a few days before cutting?
The reason I ask this as I was told that the lack of moisture makes the plants draw the THC to the top or some such, is this BS or fact.

I plan to cut them according to the sticky at the top of this forum and hang them for a few days - a week(?), then put them in bags (need advice here) or straight to jars when the buds are a 'lil crispy and the stalks bendy (actually, the buds are already a bit crispy).

After they are in their jars in a nice dark, cool place, you open them once a day(?) and jiggle them around. How do you tell when they are ready for "market" or smokage?

I appreciate all the advice I have read so far, even if some of it is hard to find ^_^



Active Member
Some quick random pics I just took, sorry for the size, I don't have a photo editor.
(the swirly background is Mylar for reflecting light)



Well-Known Member
Dude it sounds like you got the right idea anyway man!!! Follow the sticky and you shouldn't have any problems... you'll know when it is ready for sale and/or smoking because you can simply try some... if it doesnt burn then its too wet... you only dry the bud so its dry the jars are for curing so they last longer.