some quick questions


Well-Known Member
hey guys my grow is underway and i just have a few questions for you guys...why do we transplant? i mean, why do we start in cups and then transplant to a bigger, permanent home? if it has something to do to with the soil getting contaminated if the seed dies during germination, could i put it in a cup,and cut the cup in the 6 peices, piece it together in the bigger pot with soil in cup, then that way when it comes time to transplant you just pull the peices out and risk less root damage? also, what are the best temps for your grow? thanks guys


The reason to transplant is to try and make the most compact root ball that you can. I could go into much detail on this but it is not needed. THe roots grow down and out and when they start in a large pot the middle of the pot is not maximized. I start in a plastic cup then move to a 4" pot and then to a larger pot after that and a couple weeks before flowering I then proceed to the final home a 4-5 gallon bucket. This gives you the optimal root growth that you want. The best temperatures for growing would be between 72-75 degrees dependent on the stage of growth.


Well-Known Member
you transplant so the plant will not get rootbound, a good rule of thumb is to have about a cubic foot (gallons if your growing in buckets) of soil for every foot of growth. just squeeze the cup turn it upside down and pop out the contents whole. 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.


Well-Known Member
Here's de word! You can't do this wrong. you grow in cups first cause they take up less room and your veg room is usually 1/4 the size of the flower room. Second the way you manage your relationship with your grow is to water it once a day. Keeps you from fixating on it. Then when your plant looks a bit wilted after that 24 hrs away ( can't do it?) you pot up to one gallon pots and throw it into flower. keep using grow nutes the first three weeks there and you can't imagine the results. After the 3 weeks switch it to the same is the rest of the flower room. Oh love that stretch!One other idea is to check the plants for watering by lifting the cups this is a good way also to find out which plants are the largest in mass because they use the water faster. oh and cut the center leaf of the clone so you can tell when new growth starts easier.Also enjoy yourself this supposed to be fun.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro start your plants in cups small enough that when you transplant you pull all the dirt out with it. My room is 73 on 68 off


Well-Known Member
There is actually no real reason whatever why you cannot plant your seed into its final container - like tomato and lettuce growers do.

This nonsense about rootballs is that, nonsense.

I do actually start in a 5 litre container myself, once the plant is a few inches tall and likely NOT to be attacked and killed by cats - my bete noir - they go into 50 litre containers. At the end of the season the 50 litre tub is totally filled with roots.


Well-Known Member
There is actually no real reason whatever why you cannot plant your seed into its final container - like tomato and lettuce growers do.

This nonsense about rootballs is that, nonsense.

I do actually start in a 5 litre container myself, once the plant is a few inches tall and likely NOT to be attacked and killed by cats - my bete noir - they go into 50 litre containers. At the end of the season the 50 litre tub is totally filled with roots.
yup and yup, I start em in they're final containers too except this time, not enough soil!