Some sugar leafs clawing and looking droopy


3 and half weeks into flowering.
Type: Royal Queen Gorilla
Using Plagron Bloom for flowering. Every other watering I give her Plagron Bloom.
When I don't give her Plagron Bloom I give her CalMag.
I give her around 0.4.l of water every 24 hrs.

Generally plant looks really healthy under 250 w HPS dual spectrum but some of sugar leafs (not all) are showing some droopines and clawing.

I would really like to hear your guys opinions, I don't want to mess this up =/

Big Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Are you growing in soil? If so you want a water only feed in between. Looks like you can slow down on the nutrients a little.


Are you growing in soil? If so you want a water only feed in between. Looks like you can slow down on the nutrients a little.
Yeah, I'm growing in soil.

Yeah I'm doing fertilizer then water with some cal mag then fertilizer then water with some cal mag in that cycle.