Some Swelling around nodes.... male?


Well-Known Member
I did a search, and I see different opinions. No deffinate answers.

Can someone tell me if this swelling is a male? there are no sacks, and no hairs, just swelling around the node. Ive seen it in the growfaq but i have also seen people say its not always male.



Well-Known Member
think of the swelling as a way for the plant to get ready to support some extra weight come flowering time. It does not mean it's a male or female.


Well-Known Member
Nah, no worries till its showin some balls. Other than that, it oughtta be sproutin them beautiful white hairs we all love! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I did a search, and I see different opinions. No deffinate answers.

Can someone tell me if this swelling is a male? there are no sacks, and no hairs, just swelling around the node. Ive seen it in the growfaq but i have also seen people say its not always male.

my friend the swelling that you are seeing is only the base of the leaves stem where it connects to the main plant stem. this is totally normal and is the sign of a healthy plant----keep it up .. :clap:


Well-Known Member
my friend the swelling that you are seeing is only the base of the leaves stem where it connects to the main plant stem. this is totally normal and is the sign of a healthy plant----keep it up .. :clap:
sounds good man. thanks for EVERYONES input! I recently upgraded my lights from a 100watt MH to a 1000watt HPS so these changes in the plants growth are quite new to me! i was worried and you all helped me calm down lol. i almost ripped the plant out of the box!


Well-Known Member
grow faq at top of page show's sexing plant's with picture's hope your's turn's out to be female. i had g13 that had the swelling and it turned out to be male. wish you the best.
My nodes are throwing me for a loop myself im a noob to growing and about 5 days into the 12/12 cycel now its an indoor clf grow the plant is also in soil anyways, here I am waiting for the plant to show its sex and looking for the balls or the pistols with the hair and the only growth on the nodes i see are these littel leafs some bigger than the others. Is this normal? Is it a sex characeristic? any input would grealy be aprecated
ps i will get pics up


Active Member
no I think you are just the same as me, slow grow. I was worried about the bulges thinking they where the balls, but confused as they where on the top. *wipes sweat from forehead:P*

My plant started making those little leaves by the nodes maybe 2 weeks ago? got these crazy bulges about 1 week ago.


New Member
Hi I am a first time grower and just wanted to see how healthy and how longer I should veg for. I just want some bud to some for myself in colorado. I am just using cfl. Thank you guys!!

