Some Thing(s) Just Not Right


Six plants. I'm 3 weeks, 5 days old into this grow, from seeds - 4 orng kush and 2 bag seeds. Started in 6-pot bubbleponics system and grew like gangbusters for three weeks! Transferred into 5 gal DWC buckets at 3 wks. Grow room is a small closet with about a 2.5' X 4' footprint.
ph- 6
Nutes- Humboldt grow, bloom, and micro at about half recommended dosage. ppm TDS reading currently 500-600. Water changes once/wk. I did put in a light dose of CalMag two days ago.
Light: 400w HPS - 18/6
Temp- 72-78, Osc fan blowing just across the tops of the plants.
Root mass looks white and healthy except for some small to moderate tan discoloration in places. The foliage is weird though. New leaves droop, get dry, and curl downward, mature leaves get really dry and "papery" although most of them remain a dark/dull green. New growth is coming in yellow now. If the plants were in soil, I'd say they looked like they needed watering, but the bubbling DWC water level is just below the net pots with the roots well into the water. Tons of new growth at the nodes.

Because of limited space I was going to switch to 12/12 at 4 wks to begin flowering, but the veg looks crappy. I am in information overload after reading two books and LOTS of these threads, so I have gone crazy. :dunce: I therefore have no idea wtf to do except roll a fat one, watch TV, and let nature take its course. :blsmoke: Leaves look pretty good in the pics, but they're really dry; thought they were supposed to look green and all lustrous and vibrant. If anyone could give me some advice, I'd be so appreciative. Thank you Thank you. I am so trying to learn. Ok- book finished.
The end.



Well-Known Member
The roots were in the water? I've only done hillbilly hydro in rock wool but the roots shouldn't be in the water should they? It looks more like over watering if it was in dirt to me. Hows the ph I didn't see that mention?


The roots were in the water? I've only done hillbilly hydro in rock wool but the roots shouldn't be in the water should they? It looks more like over watering if it was in dirt to me. Hows the ph I didn't see that mention?
ph is six (third line down).


New Member
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say oxygen deficiency. the tan areas on the root sounds like a little rot.


Good call from you and neved. Rinsed the roots like advised on this forum, changed out the res, got a new pump, and doubled the airflow. Also dosed it with Calmag, and they're looking a lot better. Hopefully to prevent future problems, my Cannazym arrived today too. I've read really good things about this stuff. Thanks very much!

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say oxygen deficiency. the tan areas on the root sounds like a little rot.