But it is everyone else's fault but hers and someone need's to take responsibility for her children(so says the breeder)
Maybe she should stop breeding like a fucking rabbit and get a fucking job.
You guys NEVER EVER get it do you? You find a problem, find some people that exemplify the problem and then the only "solution" you can muster is that these peopole - WHO ARE FUCKING OBVIOUSLY IRRESPONSIBLE - need to change their ways.
It has never happened, it will never happen unless of course you DO want government interference into people's private lives alll you have is some nice white people going down to talk some sense into that woman every 6 months or so. Otherwise all we have is the mess she left for us regardless of what she "Should have done" what her husband "should do" (course someone somewhere put him in jail).
this is the conservative world - point out social problems, hold individuals responsible and when they don't, do nothing at all.