Somebody please help a little old lady


Well-Known Member
yea keep it simple ..

what do it need ..

good light (right Kelvin/Lumen)

good grow media (right PH and light so the roots can get air)

enough and not to much water (agin right PH)

and ofcourse food (agin .. right ammount and right type + all them micros that is so importent for weed)

fresh air/co2.. and right temps./humidity

that must be the basics and them you want to get 110% under controle before you add a lot of stuff ...

as some once toald me .. its weed .. not rocket sciens .. keep it simple and think logic once you get to know your growth and have it under controle you can begin to add stuff and experiment ..


Active Member
so you are vegging or flowering cause the bulbs your using sound like flower bulbs i read it all and i have had plants leaves do the same thing. If you get a good soil with nutes in it like Roots Organic you dont really have to feed them everything is in the soil. That all depends on the size of pot your in also and how long the plants been in that soil but i usually need to transplant to a bigger pot when they show any signs of deficency. I started out with all the nutrients and stuff from fox farm and my plants turned out good but now im on the challenge to grow it all organic. Theres a thread on here in the organic section about supersoil thats what im trying and the soil recipe is very easy to make and all you do is add water the whole way through. The only tough part about that is the mixing of the ingredients but its still not that tough get some guy to do it tell them its for your tomatoes it also takes a month to stew up some and let the microbial life time to come alive and thrive. I dont mind reading long posts from people if i get a bit of info out of it i wasnt familar with its all the better. Your plant in the first pic pic 3 def looked female to me from what i could see of a pre flower i can usually tell what my plants are by day 28. The thing with the supersoil is you can make a good bit of it and it never gets old and its all natural. The guy that came up with the recipe is on the site from time to time hes also a breeder and has some pretty good seeds from what i have seen in magazines TGA subcool is the seed company his username subcool if you wanna check out any of those threads theres lots of good info if your looking for quality organic homestyle budding with the just add water. I havent tried it im gonna do a outdoor grow with it this summer as i live in a med state and can legally grow 8 plants 4 for me 4 for my bro he could grow it himeself but hes too busy. Keep it up im gonna sub to this thread so i can watch your plants there so fun arent they and such a great hobby makes you look at mother nature differently atleast i do anyway alot more of a respect for her and our earth. I think some growers limit themselves by thinking they know it all and they quit trying to learn more and get better at what they do me myself wont be satisfied until i have some pure cannabis cup quality meds.