Somebody please help this maiden in distress :(

I literally have no clue what is wrong with my seedlings >.< They are less than two weeks old and there is something wrong with them :/ I have two amnesia hazes in 4 gallon buckets under one 600w HPS bulb. I can't remember the name of the brand of soil but it says it is okay for germination and seedlings. I saw them on friday evening and I noticed they were curling up at the edges slightly, thought maybe I wasn't watering enough as I am being conservative with the water. So added a little more water. Back again yesterday, the situation was worse! There are only four leaves on each and the two bigger of the four and completely dried out with a little bleaching (from where drops of water landed on them from what I can tell.) So yesterday I tested the pH with some universal indicator strips I got from the lab at school. pH is between 6 and 7 so I don't think they have nute burn? I also moved the lights higher in case they were too close... What in the name of god is wrong with my plants :( If it because they are not getting enough air circulation? They are in a spacious barn? Or do I need to get a small fan? :( Please somebody help me!!! This is my second attempt at growing after my first attempt failed >.< I have looked online and seem to be getting loads of different answers...
I don't have any pics... >.< But I will try and describe as best I can. When I first noticed it, I thought it was nute burn because of the upturned edged of the leaves, slightly brown. The the next day the leaves were completely dried out! yellow spots where a drop or two of water had hit them. Both seedlings are only little under two weeks old and only have four leaves each, two of which are dead :/ Like I said this is my second attempt and I am going to be so angry if it doesn't work >.<Could it be because the door of the barn is closed for between 24 and 48 hours at a time and they are not getting any circulation?
Forgot I actually took two pics on Friday! I was a little dissapointed as they were a day old on Friday and seemed to have very little growth (I didn't germinate before planting so week 1 was germination + start of veg you could say) There was originally 4 plants. Two just didn't grow for some reason... dissapointing I know. but yesterday when I went up I forgot to take pictures. The leaves are completely dried out and crispy with yellow marks where you can see the water drops sitting on the leaves. I haven't been under watering and I know if it was over watering they would be drooping and not curlings. was it because I was giving them small amounts of water every day? Like I said, I used universal indicator to test pH. I know it is not extremely accurate but it matched the coloring for pH of 7 so... If the pH is slightly high would adding small amounts of vinegar to the water until it brings the pH of the water down slightly work? The plants are in a spacious barn, with like inch wide cracks around the door for fresh air to get in. for this reason I didn't think I'd need a fan. But could it be a lack of circulation doing this to my plants? And with the two biggest leaves completely death is there any chance for them? :/


dude relax. don't leave water on the leaves while the light is on because the light becomes magnified by the water and burns the leaves.. sorta like a magnifying glass in the sun. so that's that.

the leaves sometimes curle upward on the edges while growing. I've heard this is because they're absorbing sunlight and growing rapidly. I may be wrong but as long as they aren't like decaying or yellowing on the edges I think you're okay.

lastly, if it's the first two little round leaves that sprouted out that are now dead, that's completely normal. there's a special name for those leaves but they're supposed to do that. you're new leaves don't look dead to me!

I think you're fine. maintain your oh and keep the light really close to them and don't overwater them and I think you'll be good!
dude relax. don't leave water on the leaves while the light is on because the light becomes magnified by the water and burns the leaves.. sorta like a magnifying glass in the sun. so that's that.

the leaves sometimes curle upward on the edges while growing. I've heard this is because they're absorbing sunlight and growing rapidly. I may be wrong but as long as they aren't like decaying or yellowing on the edges I think you're okay.

lastly, if it's the first two little round leaves that sprouted out that are now dead, that's completely normal. there's a special name for those leaves but they're supposed to do that. you're new leaves don't look dead to me!

I think you're fine. maintain your oh and keep the light really close to them and don't overwater them and I think you'll be good!
Oh really? Why do the first two leaves dry up and die? just curious... Ah I was wondering if accidentally getting droplets on the leaves had anything to do with it... You have to remember though that those pictures are from Friday :/ They were slightly papery but then Sunday they were totally crispy and just dead... And you don't think it is a problem with air circulation? I didn't think it was because of the large space they have. like bigger than my bedroom xD So what do you suggest? Not water them for 2-3 days and bring my 600w HPS bulb down again (as I had raised it due to fear of heat stress)


Well-Known Member
If you're using a 600W HPS then keep it about 3-4 feet away! those little plants just need a little light to start with... and don't water too much and leave them alone. Make sure the light is on about 18 hours, then give them a nap.
If you're using a 600W HPS then keep it about 3-4 feet away! those little plants just need a little light to start with... and don't water too much and leave them alone. Make sure the light is on about 18 hours, then give them a nap.
hmm okay I do have it roughly about 3ft away since yesterday :) So you would suggest not having the light on 24-7? How come? just curious? :) How often should I water and roughly how much? i was giving them about a cup every two days...


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the cotyledons, the small oval shaped leaves? Or the actually serrated leaves? Marist set of leaves all twisted and curled up and the plant kept going. What's the temp inside the barn?


Well-Known Member
The small round leaves are baby leaves, like baby teeth in humans, they are unnecessary once real leaves grow, so they yellow and die..


Active Member
Definitely get a fan.
Many will argue for 24/0 & just as many will insist giving your plants a 'rest' on 20/4 or 18/6. I believe in the latter, give your girls a break :)


Well-Known Member
I dont grow with HPS lighting but I thought that it is recommended that you start seedlings with fluorescent lights and then switch. I could be wrong though.
Thank you so much everybody for your replies :) Will give an update on their condition later...

I am considering changing my light schedule to 18/4 as suggested and I will try and get a fan asap :)

Buuuut nobody has given me a reason or solution for the stunted growth?


New Member
Seedlings in a 4 gallon pot? You should transplant into a 1/2 to 1 gallon container. With a large pot like yours there could be many reasons for whats happening. Hid lighting is fine for seedlings, just remember you have a real light source with high intensity, so be careful to not to burn them. JAS
My first attempt I had in small plastic cups and they all died. i was told to put them straight to a 5 gallon bucket :/

I think it could possibly be over watering. I did notice yesterday that they were dropping down slightly. But then again it could also be to do with no fan. But like I said they are in a big open space so. I also moved my light to about 3.5 feet away :) Hope my babies get better...


New Member
What happens is you can not control how the pot dries out and end up with pockets of soggy and dry. Your little girl can also be stunted from a large pot. The plant spends so much energy trying to secure a foot hold in a large pot that if there isn't enough energy stored to grow upwards and issues begin. 24-36 inches away with you lamp is good until you see nice growth. Learning to water correctly is the key, using the correct size container for the size of plant will teach you this for future grows. Air, Water, Light and control of the environment are in your hands , so a good grow bible might be one of your next purchases. JAS