somebody please identify this problem!

phil k

Well-Known Member
next time don't use happy frog.. happy frog is a ACTUAL soil... not like pro mix or anything so its dense as all hell... i mean dense and it takes a very long time to dry..

also stay away from ocean forest it carries a crazy natural PH and it has a butt load of salts in it ... i know I'm going to get a lot of shit from people that swear by it but its not a great mix to be using... thats why i knew right away your in ocean forest I've seen that same burn over and over with growers here in michigan...
they have to go in flower by the 2nd in order to have a long dry and cure before I leave the state for a bit so I'm just tryin to get this one in the best shape possible before the light flip. They've been vegging 24/0 if that matters at all. Hopefully this wont drastically hurt the yield although id be very content with a half oz dry as this is just kinda a practice run since its on a deadline but I really do appreciate all the help guys! I've been driving myself nuts over this haha

phil k

Well-Known Member
if your going to rely on that ocean forest mix .. at the least spend the extra money to cut it with light warrior... it will dry properly.. provide the proper density you want .. but it also aids in soaking up the excess salts... happy frog won't do that as well but happy frog just is no bueno!
so what do you reccomend i do. whats the best course to just get me to harvest with the supplies I have. Also what do u reccomend I pick up for soil for the next run? And will this problem go away with time? I'm gonna put a picture up of the whole set up to help you help me a bit more with advice

phil k

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't run 24/0 your plants are like humans they want to sleep like you do... the night break gives them rest time your going to have healthier plants running 18/6 thats my opion... but I've ran both
I mean as far as the plant problem and the soil its in. Will I make it to harvest just watering as usual and feeding when the time comes or will all this leaf damage kill the plant before it finishes?

phil k

Well-Known Member
well .... lol... I'm anti anything but my soil .. but i don't wanna get booted for advertising inappropriately....

the problem is already subsiding like i said you need to pay attention to the new growth... they are looking fine... your plant was really just adjusting.. just keep doing what your doing in that regard.

phil k

Well-Known Member
are you just relying on the ocean forest and happy frog to get through veg and flower completely?
i mean its not impractical but your production rates aren't going to be above 1 ounce ... i highly doubt you will hit one ounce with that mix.
well if I ask is it still inappropriate advertising?? Haha seriously I'm very interested in a soil where I can avoid all of these problems fox farms is giving me haha
Looks like humidity-ph fluctuation
My humidity is a bit scattered because I rely on the rain to raise the humidity in the tent. So it jumps from 28%-40% and the ph has been watered the same ph there whole lives except one watering that was 6.5 instead of 7 but that was well after the problem started so I don't think its ph

phil k

Well-Known Member
well its really any of the soil mixes people run in gneral theres a link in my profile...

but a lot of people don't get how they really work.. your rooting system is CONSTANTLY sitting in hot amended soil.. your plants don't have the ability to properly drink clean fresh water and eat when they want to eat.. every water the fresh water picks up amendments and forces the plant to feed... its just like hydro... no matter what your always feeding food to your plant.

our system is way different but same basic principles.. our soil is A SUPER amended soil from veg to harvest you water... nothing at all ever than that... but the way ours works is the soil is placed at the bottom of the container the rest of the container is filled with promix/sunshine mix 4 (any non nutrient based soil) yu plant the clone in the pro mix and water... but whats different is that the promix zone is your fresh water buffer zone... where your roots start and establish... they eventually hit the hot soil... where they feed .. so when you water your buffer zone (promix) always has FRESH CLEAN water for your rooting system to feed on and when the plant wants to feed the feeder roots feed off the hot soil... youlll never burn or have any deficiency issues ever.. I'm dead serious.. if you get the link theres a big explanation on it

phil k

Well-Known Member
My humidity is a bit scattered because I rely on the rain to raise the humidity in the tent. So it jumps from 28%-40% and the ph has been watered the same ph there whole lives except one watering that was 6.5 instead of 7 but that was well after the problem started so I don't think its ph

dont stress the humidity its the last of your issues UNLESS your getting above 45-50% OR below like 15-20% then you want a dehumidifier if your getting too hgh.... too low i would really hesitate even then supplementing cause your grows not big enough for supplementing humidity... but humidity swings won't effect you in veg especially..

phil k

Well-Known Member
well its really any of the soil mixes people run in gneral theres a link in my profile...

but a lot of people don't get how they really work.. your rooting system is CONSTANTLY sitting in hot amended soil.. your plants don't have the ability to properly drink clean fresh water and eat when they want to eat.. every water the fresh water picks up amendments and forces the plant to feed... its just like hydro... no matter what your always feeding food to your plant.

our system is way different but same basic principles.. our soil is A SUPER amended soil from veg to harvest you water... nothing at all ever than that... but the way ours works is the soil is placed at the bottom of the container the rest of the container is filled with promix/sunshine mix 4 (any non nutrient based soil) yu plant the clone in the pro mix and water... but whats different is that the promix zone is your fresh water buffer zone... where your roots start and establish... they eventually hit the hot soil... where they feed .. so when you water your buffer zone (promix) always has FRESH CLEAN water for your rooting system to feed on and when the plant wants to feed the feeder roots feed off the hot soil... youlll never burn or have any deficiency issues ever.. I'm dead serious.. if you get the link theres a big explanation on it

theres no salts or anything in our system either... we never use commercial soils like ocean forest or anything ... we are strictly amendment based... 100% organic and we make everything literally from scratch in house.

phil k

Well-Known Member
Looks like humidity-ph fluctuation
its ocean forest burn... humidity flux would never cause that unless your at like 10% even in that case a burn wouldn't happen it would cause the edges of your leaf to curl.

if it was ph issues you'd see a completely different look and all leaves would be responding..
its ocean forest burn... humidity flux would never cause that unless your at like 10% even in that case a burn wouldn't happen it would cause the edges of your leaf to curl.

if it was ph issues you'd see a completely different look and all leaves would be responding..
I read a formula for a beginners super soil and all the amendments but not like what ur talking about with the promix on top. Sounds very nice. The one thing that gets me is everyone says u never have to worry about ph-Ing your water in organics and that is a huge plus for me. Il check out the link when i have a bit of extra time today but the fox farms was just the first thing i read everybody recommending and i jumped the gun and bought it without really looking into it. Looks like my next task is to put together an organic mix for my next run :) I'm already looking forward to the simplicity of not dealing with chemical burns and what not!

phil k

Well-Known Member
I read a formula for a beginners super soil and all the amendments but not like what ur talking about with the promix on top. Sounds very nice. The one thing that gets me is everyone says u never have to worry about ph-Ing your water in organics and that is a huge plus for me. Il check out the link when i have a bit of extra time today but the fox farms was just the first thing i read everybody recommending and i jumped the gun and bought it without really looking into it. Looks like my next task is to put together an organic mix for my next run :) I'm already looking forward to the simplicity of not dealing with chemical burns and what not!

no man you have to ph yor water who told you that? you can't not ph your water... the way soil works is 90% of all soils like promix and stuff are ph 7.0 so lets say you water a 6.0 the water changes the medias ph to 6.0 (while wet) as it drys the soil buffers back to 7.0... but if your not ph balancing your water and your feeding say 5.8 to your plant and here and there the soil stays too moist your letting the plant sit in too acidic of media for a soil grow.. so you need to absolutely PH your water.

phil k

Well-Known Member
or eeven in reverse if your feeding to sweet of a water 7.2 your plant sits in base soil thats too high of a ph all the time... you always wanna make sure your ph is on point .. its the number one issue besides overfeeding people always mistake for burns and crap