Someguys cabinet grows CA MMJ


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm going back to hydro... going to kill it lol... hopefully. Not sure strains, might hook up with my co-op if they get some in again, might hook up with a friend who has some supposedly. I'll probably start before you could get me anything. It's all a big ?.

Baby is good. She is growing and changing by the day. It's insane. Really enjoying things (most of the time). I told my wife about your babe's sleep schedule and she said Fuck them, haha. All in love though. ;)


Well-Known Member
Lol! Sleep schedule goes up and down but it has been better than we expected. We have already had some blow out though and it was much sooner than u guys! Lol. Little stinker!

i could take fresh cuts tomorrow night. (I work tonight). It would take about a week for new ones to root. Just let me know. If you get anything from other sources let me know. May want a cut to proliferate. :-). Yes. All my plants are pretty large right now though. The ones in the bottom move up top for the next round in dec. they are getting bushy down there and could use trimming. Lol


Well-Known Member
I also noticed you posted about how much time before sex... Or... More to the point. When will interest pick up?

6-8 wks is the normal amount of time alotted to be safe. Woman's bodies will be quite different after giving birth and that alone may take some time for her to get comfortable with. My biggest piece of advice is dont lose your connection w one another. Tell her she is beutiful and that u love her everyday. Think of her as well as the bubba. Any small sweet thoughts go a long way. If you all need some social activity we can always get together again sooner than later. Marriage, parenthood.... Not easy, but highly rewarding when you put the time into it. Wish you both well and send love and happiness your way.


Well-Known Member
That is what I was hoping to see. Wow man. Great work. There's going to be a lot of bud when you chop things down... already is. Nice.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jig. It seems to be just truckin along. Im excited. Need a scale. Lol. Plus i have the next round ready to go... Im pumped! :-).

Had several long days/nights w the bubba. Seems to be past it again. Lol. Miss him all day long at work


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhh! Off today and home w my new bubba. He is 3wks on sunday.

Saturday i hit 6wks in the cabinet. Should be all done by the end of the month and on to the next round!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yesterday was good untill about 10 last night. Wife got bad abdominal pains. We almost went to er but they lessended up a bit. Waiting for a call back from them. She could barley move so i was up all night helping our little guy. I want my best friend not to have to keep dealing w so much pain. :/.


Well-Known Member
Wife is a lot better. Not 100% but better than being in severe pain. Baby is doing awesome. Thank god for that! I am a mess though...:/.

Today is also the end of week six. Its really only 2-4wks left on this grow. I will try to takesome photos tonight. It all looks really great. Sour bubble is probably going to be done in two weeks. The rest probably 3-4 more wks. Update soon!


Well-Known Member
Glad wife is feeling better. Sucks for you, but hey... you got a cute little boy.

Stoked to see the plants. Hope you get some rest buddy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jig. Yeah, just got done rockin him for about 1/2 hr while i look, marvel, almost cry, and extreme joy all at once. :-)
i hope you and mrs. Fresh are doing well! Also hannah banana! :-).

Im looking forward to showing off the plants. I will have some ready in december to pass off to you for "taste testing". Lol! You will have to let me know since this time they will all be finished correctly. :-).

Fyi. I gave my delivery guy six pills a while back. Had him swing by last night and he wanted more. Said they were one of the most "up" muscle relaxers he has had. He gave me decent donation for them too! Offset the cost of my order a bit. :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks jig! How are things going for you guys? Getting colder up there now i bet. Been chilly at night down here. Im looking forward to seeing your closet overgrown! When i did soil my yeilds suffered alot. I think im stuck on hydro... Lol. Funny that i can grow outdoors in soil just fine though. :/. Anyways.. Wishing all of you well. :-)


Well-Known Member
Getting my closet all set up and cleaned out. Exciting times. Baby is cooperating enough to let me get stuff done so that's great.