Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I haven't died or fallen off the face of the earth. Still growing in the cab with great results. Sometimes life gets really busy. I currently have a round of an unknown chronic bag seed and blue mystic. Probably the best round yet in the cab. The flouro cab is the same only on week 2 instead of week 7 in the hps cabinet. I picked up some new strains from a friend for the next rounds. GodBud, Super Silver Haze, and Sour Berry. The super silver haze clone may or may not make it, but the the godbud and sour berry are doing fine. :) I have also built a small aircooled flouro rubbermaid bin. I will be trying a round in that one soon. I will try to get some pics up this weekend of the current stuff if anyone is still interested.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear from you SG.
Get some pics up when ya can mate. Sounds interesting.

Thanks brotha. I will get some shit posted soon. Maybe take some shots tonight. Ive had a hella of a several months. Wish I could share but this is the wrong venue for that. :) Glad you are still rockin the good stuff. Ive had a few harvest since I stopped posting in here. My wife pretty much calls the stuff I grow REAL bud and everything else we buy she considers mediocre.... I guess I am getting better at this shit.


Active Member
Holy Cow, Someguy!
You really have a talent for documentation, bruthuh!
Boulderheads hipped me to your journal. Awesome grow and show, me amigo. I'm totally gonna' pillage your posts for info I can use! I really want to sit down and take my time with this series, Someguy!

Thanks for takin' the time to document your meticulous work for the Perpetual Posterity of da Plant!

I'm signed-up!

~~~oh, and if ya' have any pointers for me on either of my projects, I'd be grateful.

Off like a prom dress...


Well-Known Member
Love seeing other scrogs. It really is my favorite way to grow. Put up some pics of your current grow. I ma currently doing 1 large mango in my 400w scrog. Link is in my sig if your interested. There's a lot to read if your going through the whole thing, but all the pics help.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah SG.. glad to see you back on the boards... always look forward to seeing your op. cheers-boulderhead
Thanks! Today is day 1 of week 8 in my hps cabinet. I will try to remember the camera so I can snap some shots. I have plans for a new cabinet in the works too.... but that is another story :) Thanks for stopping by and joining in.

Holy Cow, Someguy!
You really have a talent for documentation, bruthuh!
Boulderheads hipped me to your journal. Awesome grow and show, me amigo. I'm totally gonna' pillage your posts for info I can use! I really want to sit down and take my time with this series, Someguy!

Thanks for takin' the time to document your meticulous work for the Perpetual Posterity of da Plant!

I'm signed-up!

~~~oh, and if ya' have any pointers for me on either of my projects, I'd be grateful.

Off like a prom dress...
No problem. :) Glad its helping, really the only reason I post is to help through sharing. I will update soon I hope.

Love seeing other scrogs. It really is my favorite way to grow. Put up some pics of your current grow. I ma currently doing 1 large mango in my 400w scrog. Link is in my sig if your interested. There's a lot to read if your going through the whole thing, but all the pics help.
I know, these journals can get very big...LOL.. Just go look at gypsies. I too have found the scrog method to be rewarding. Particularly in very small spaces. I will try to stop in and read. I have been very busy, thus my complete absence for many months. Hopefully things will ease back just a little bit more over the next weeks. I need some fun time.. :) Thanks for stopping in! I will try to get some new pictures up very soon... (I just keep forgetting to grab my camera)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Here are the updates I promised.

Day 2 of week 8 flowering in the HPS cabinet, Right hand is Blue Mystic the Left is an unknown bag-seed. The unknown smells better than anything else I have had in there... I wonder what it was from... :) ..LOL:

These are my new strains, Godbud and Sour Berry. Was told the SSH I had was hermie, so got rid of those clones. May take some clones of the unknown bag-seed as it smells awesome.

Week 3 of flowering in the flouro cabinet (mix of the unknown and blue M:




Well-Known Member
Awesome grow dude, I'm envious!

Thanks :) You too can do it though, I'm not magic or anyting... just really stoned :)

BTW I should mention for everyone that I am using almost all organic nutrient in 100% perlite (aka hempy buckets). I use BMO full line of liquid ferts and the bat guano and worm castings. I have really noticed a difference this round using the guano. I bubble my own teas up and feed with a siphon hose right now. I am going to be putting together an automatic feed system soon though :)


Well-Known Member
tea from guano and worm castings?? didn't know such a thing existed. same process as bubbling compost tea??


I believe so. You just need to let it bubble for several hours. Although, i have mixed mine without the wait and been fine too. I think once you have the micro beasties you just feed them. BMO even gives directions on tea making when you buy the castings and guano. Im not sure I would try any of this in a different type of hydro system. Hempy reacts similarly to soil.


Well-Known Member
i'm growing soil in my next grow!! looks like i'll be trying this! thanks for the lead, i'll read up on this now. +rep


last thing, i'm having trouble looking up BMO what is that abbreviating?


Well-Known Member

Blue mountain organics, a store on ebay

Looking great someguy, glad to hear all is well
You kinda disappeared for a little while there haha
Keep up the nice work bro

Scrolled down and saw you answered the bmo question...LOL. so I double answered :). Ya, I just got super busy with life. It takes time to visit sites and contribute, sometimes the forums go on the back burner. I am gonna be building some new spaces after the new year, so I am sure youll continue hearing from me for a bit.