Someone cut up my plant and soaked it in BLEACH :(

any adult would know what bleach is ,you sound like your just a kid ,
if you had any brain you would have just told your story and not asked how to salvage it
bleach will kill you.
but coz ur a dumb kid your still goin to try it ,bad move boy!
any adult would know what bleach is ,you sound like your just a kid ,
if you had any brain you would have just told your story and not asked how to salvage it
bleach will kill you.
but coz ur a dumb kid your still goin to try it ,bad move boy!

I know what bleach is, unfortunately I'm not experienced with bleaching shit on a regular basis. I shy away from strong acids.

I respect the fact that you want to call me a dumb kid, it's fine. I'm technically not a kid, I'm more of a an unexperienced dumbass who just got taught an important lesson.

If I had a needle I'd probably inject some of the bleach and get it over with, but as for right now I'll have to stick to letting the bud dry out and excess bleach evaporate, then try to smoke it in a well ventilated area.
this is a joke right?:neutral:

must be. I could spend $400 on toothpicks if I bought enough. There are plenty of people who blow $400 on blow, pun intended.

I bet half the people on RIU have blown $400 on cigarettes over the years.
then try to smoke it in a well ventilated area.

Unexperienced dumbass who learned a lesson...but isnt dumb....tell me how SMOKING in a WELL VENTILATED AREA will help you.

Smoking is the inhalation of ignighted materials into your lungs, you could be in a well ventilated area or have a bag over your head, it dosnt matter.

Really you sound like all the coke heads Iv had the privileged of knowing, the depressing end of the world ones, not the rich party/pussy ones. Your so upset, wa wa wa gimme some drugs.

Take my advice to cure your depression, Step on that half O of coke and sell it and then you can move out of yo mamas and grow.
Dumbass should have never had that plant growing in the house.

Now he want's to smoke it, while bleach is harmful CFC chemicals which are happy to make ignorant people; even more ignorant.
If it's too late for my plants, do you think it's too late for water curing?

Keep in mind my desperation!
I've been dry for three weeks now, haven't been able to sleep due to the pain in my hips and find myself hyper-focusing on maddening shit. I understand your desperation.

That being said, I don't know shit about curing. Are the plants looking bleached, or just dead? Sodium thiosulfate can be quickly found at any aquarium shop as dechlorinator. Plain old chlorine bleach can, will, and does dissipate into the atmosphere naturally. ST does it QUICKQUICK like a bunny, instantly. I can't help you beyond suggesting a potent dechlorinator and giving you a lead on where to find it. The rest is up to you.

Watch out for your mom, the woman really knows how to make dead DEAD.
Okay, in another thread you admitted that you've only smoked a couple of times, what's the big frickin deal, do you owe somebody, cause you could just not smoke, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A JUNKiE.

It would be pretty cool to be the first person to die from smoking weed. Even if it was because it was soaking in bleach, fucking do it already, spark that shit.
in his defense, he did spend 3-4 months on this. i am not saying i would try to smoke it, but thats gotta be pretty painful to spend that much time for nothing. i bet if he had our perspective, he wouldnt try to smoke it.