Someone heeellllp!


Well-Known Member
pot 004.jpgpot 004.jpgpot 002.jpgnot sure what is going on here. or how to fix it.

please look at pics and let me know.. it had brown spots. pot 005.jpg SHould I cut the infected parts off?


Well-Known Member
i'm using distilled water. I usually water it once a week and usually flush about a half gallon through the dirt. the bottom leaves are a light green almost yellow but it isn't totally turning yet


Well-Known Member
I thihk i'm going to flush the soil with like 2 gallons and try to get the dirt somewhat clean. i'm thinking I may not be running enough water through and its causing a nute lock cuz of old nutes i'm not getting out. we'll see


i have used an product called calmag look it up and see if that will help, the yellow leaf may be just need mor nit?


I had the same looking stuff on my first indoor grow. First my soil was too dense, second I was severely under feeding them. I thought it was lock up as well, started cal mag , and continued to see yellowing edges, and small copperish spots that ran thru the leaf...not saying this is what you have...but beware with all your flushing....these babies need quite a bit of nutrition to grow like weeds. Be sure you are checking the pH of your run off water fairly often as well.

Rapidly working my way up to a full strength feeding program eliminated all the problems. I guess overwatering and nute burn can appear similarly in the early stages in regards to yellowing leaves, and spotting.


Well-Known Member
yeah the PH is okay its about 6.8-7.0

the soil is fine. not too dense, however.. I may be underfeeding them since the soil is MG time release and I haven't added any extra nutes to the soil in 4 weeks.


yeah the PH is okay its about 6.8-7.0

the soil is fine. not too dense, however.. I may be underfeeding them since the soil is MG time release and I haven't added any extra nutes to the soil in 4 weeks.
I would get with a feeding program of some sort asap :) I agree with jagzeus.