Someone help me diagnose


So something's wrong with my g13 pe, I've searched the internet, and I can't figure out what's going on. I'm using FFOF, with the liquid nute trio half strength, water ph'd to roughly 6.5, and three gal pots. vegged for five weeks under 400 watt mh, then switched to 12/12 with 400 watt hps. There's rice sized holes, twisted crunchy leaves and yellowing between the stems in the leaves of a few branches, and some of the new growth on the branches is half black and dead. problems started the first week of flower, and seem to have gotten worse. It seems isolated to the middle of the plant, just a few branches. someone help me out. no bugs.



Well-Known Member
Looks like the cells are collapsing.....try misting her when the lights are off with water to support the cells. Could be shock from nutes change..... lower your ph to 5.6-6.2, looks like there burning......


Active Member
What's the distance from lights to the top of your plant? What's the temps/humidity level? When did you transplant into the 3 gallon container, and how many days after the transplant until you switched lights to 12/12? (I assume you started in something smaller than 3 gallons if you grew from seed)

Reason I asked about the transplant... I've been vegging my plants for about 7 weeks now, and at 6 weeks (1 week ago) I moved them into 5 gallon containers. I did notice a couple days after, that some of my plants were showing signs of stress (so I decided to hold off on switching my lights to 12/12 until they showed improvement). It's been a week, and they're looking a lot better...

I'm sure someone with more experience will stop by and share some insight.. I'm a first time grower, myself. Best wishes for you and your :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You sure there are no bugs I just had what I think is aphids and my plants looked very similar. Check your leaves with a 30-60x microscope to be sure. You also might have some sort of fungus or bad bacteria in your soil.


You sure there are no bugs I just had what I think is aphids and my plants looked very similar. Check your leaves with a 30-60x microscope to be sure. You also might have some sort of fungus or bad bacteria in your soil.
Yeah man I already checked, and just checked again, no bugs. I even checked the soil. I dunno about fungus or bacteria, my ww has a couple leaves with the same symptoms, but nowhere near as bad, and it comes in that way. three or four of the branches just started growing that way a few days in to flower, and a week later its worse. theyre not overwatered or anything either so i don't even know how that would happen.


What's the distance from lights to the top of your plant? What's the temps/humidity level? When did you transplant into the 3 gallon container, and how many days after the transplant until you switched lights to 12/12? (I assume you started in something smaller than 3 gallons if you grew from seed)

Reason I asked about the transplant... I've been vegging my plants for about 7 weeks now, and at 6 weeks (1 week ago) I moved them into 5 gallon containers. I did notice a couple days after, that some of my plants were showing signs of stress (so I decided to hold off on switching my lights to 12/12 until they showed improvement). It's been a week, and they're looking a lot better...

I'm sure someone with more experience will stop by and share some insight.. I'm a first time grower, myself. Best wishes for you and your :leaf:
Distance was 8" with cool tube and i backed it off to over a foot thinking it was experiencing heat or light stress. Still having problems. I fed her with some tiger and big bloom, it helped a little in some places, but I'm still having some issues with it, so im thinking its something else. temps are 70 at night 79 during the day, humidity 50-60%.

Also, about the aphids thing, I wouldn't be able to see them on the leaves cause they live in the soil, and there's no bugs in the run off. Nothing crawling up the stems or anything like that after waterings. Everything i've seen seems like aphid damage shows up at the bottom of the plant and effects older growth.


Well I think I figured it out. The fan was too close. Guess I ggot careless and made a dumb mistake. Thanks anyway for takin the time out guys.