Someone help

Well i doubt its undersized i have 2 80 watt lights above it and it way over 2 feet above the plant so thata not the problem bro i jave harvested 3 plants in this setup.and it s a closet in my house so its not cold bro or id be cold haha

Link to the lights you have? Blurple lights tend to lie about wattage. And cannabis plants tend to need higher temps than you and I. Just because your comfortable doesn't mean they are.
it looks like something toxic got fed to it, are leaves crispy? Looks like its only new growth, try flushing her then feed half strength nutes, see if it helps.
Need pics in natural light and more details on your grown to help (planting medium, nutrient regime, preferably temps and rh).

It's not dehydration. I don't know where you looked that up but I'm 100% that's not the issue. Leaf bronzing like that is usually a pH or nutrient issue. Immobile nutrients cause damage on the new growth only or first.

Also, how can you know its not a root issue?
Bro just shutup. How can i know?? Hmmm lets see because i know my plants and thats not a root issue fool dont be dumb u said urself it wasnt
Bro just shutup. How can i know?? Hmmm lets see because i know my plants and thats not a root issue fool dont be dumb u said urself it wasnt

Wow. I don't think I said that, it certainly could be...

I was genuinely curious. Maybe you pulled it out and checked the roots...

You seem awful defensive man. If you don't want to hear people's opinions and already know all the answers, why are you here asking questions?

Sorry I wanted to help, but I'll guess you know your plants so you didn't need it. I mean, 3 whole grows, your clearly an expert.

Good luck homie