Someone HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
[/QUOTE]I wouldn't get any T8's they are worthless besides vegging very, very small plants (waste of money and power). You should get a few CFL's they work way better anyhow. A 32w (100w equivalent) CFL is better than a 80w strip T8 light[/QUOTE]

T-8's although not great, are far from worthless. Pics say it all.

I grew these from seed to harvest under 4 t-8 full spectrum & 4 t-12 Grow Spectrum shop lights. NOw they are not as good as the HPS by along shot. but, they do work & have certain applications where the HPS would not work. CFL's seem to be better but for Veg t-8's are fine & dandy. For flower they work not great but they will work. Smoke it quick though. After about a month or 2 in th jars its gets pretty airy & light. Still good, but no weight.

Please note that I am aware that they were neut. burned to hell. This was my first grow that I took to completion. I was very proud at the time :)



New Member
i use these from clones up to 3 "
then transfer them into 4" pots and under 1000 watts for 8 days then pot them into big pots by 3rd week veg useing hordilux super blue MH an HPS in 1 bulb heres a pic day 13 veg 1200 ppm C02 heres some pics of 4 " babys under 1000 watts theres some stretchin which i will correct when transplanting into large pots



New Member
how it is too strong?
well it could be a ph thats to high or the more common and most likely what your suffering from is the nut content plants do not do well when there given to much nuts especially seedlings they are basically newborns.


New Member
Yes people do put thoughts into their posts. You are right, the light can be putting off too much heat, also HPS is the wrong spectrum (red) when you're trying to imitate "spring" (blue) the seedling thinks its late summer or early fall with an HPS on it and is giving up, like "Phuck I sprouted too late in the season. Phuck it."

It could be nute burn as FFOF can be a bit strong for seedlings, but if it sprouted then I doubt it. I've never had problems with FFOF, personally.
i agree with the spectrum but they will still grow no prob whatsoever they just prefer blue and yes they could sprout they would jsut look sickly.....Oh wait they do.....


Well-Known Member
I switched to CFL and they are doing a lot better. :)
but i probably will buy this setup for veg:
-2x 48" t8 shop fixtures (plug-in not hardwire)
-4x 48inch 6500k t8 bulbs
so, thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
I switched to CFL and they are doing a lot better. :)
but i probably will buy this setup for veg:
-2x 48" t8 shop fixtures (plug-in not hardwire)
-4x 48inch 6500k t8 bulbs
so, thanks a lot

Those'll work fine, as long as you don't plan to veg them more than 8-10". Shoplights have cheap(weak) ballasts, and poor reflector design(most), which'll make them grow more slowly, than if you were to use a bunch of 42 watt CFLs. Or, even a bunch of closely-spaced 24 watters, for that matter...

But, as long as you keep the plants within 1" of the bulbs, they be nice and bushy, the way you want them to be.