someone please tell me why my plant looks like this


Active Member
plant is exactly 24 days into flower. was doing great for the first 19 days when I only had them under cfls. then I switched to a 600w hps and within 2 days they started to look like the pictures below. the light is kept 50'' away from plant tops by the way. there is severe browning and leads are curling up. someone please tell me whats going on so I can fix it before its to late if its not already to late.


Active Member
temps are a bit on the high side of 82 day and 75 night. there is nothing more that I can do about that. the temps at my house are outrageous right now. I am feading them a 1-2-3 mixture of grow, micro, bloom by general hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
shes probaly too hot try to get a little fan blowin up towards the light n also looks like some type of deficiency but not sure what


Active Member
back off the nutes as in don't use any at all for a minute or just reduce to half strength? ill try the little fan idea also. thanks


Well-Known Member
Your temps aren't that bad, I would have to agree Bublonic, me thinks nute burn too. The whole plant looks bad.


Active Member
yea the plants look terrible. Im considering trashing them and switching my mh bulb in and starting over with the other clones I have that are just hanging out under cfls right now in veg


Well-Known Member
I have to agree, noticing that the leaves at the top look as burned up as they do it looks like nutrient burn as that tends to show up in the new growth first where deficiencies will show up in older lower growth. Your light are 50 inches away? I feel thats a big far away to be honest if you have good airflow in there you should be able to be atleast 12" from the tops if not a bit closer. Right now i probably wouldnt move TOO much closer, Im not sure what everyone else would do but me i'd flush the soil with gallons of luke warm water to try and flush out the nutes and perhaps the salt build up that may be present in the soil. Then give it a week or so before i reintroduced a nutrient regimen.
Definitely get a good fan in there to keep the air moving, do you know what your humidity levels are at?


Active Member
I have no idea what my humidity is to be honest. ill leave the light where it is for right now. and flush with water. thanks


Well-Known Member
do you allow plant to adjust to the 600 before lowering it down to the plant ? if It was raised on cfl and then you switch it with 600 hid could of light burned it badly. just a thought.


Yeah those plants burning i had a problem like cause my hps was to close to plants Also can be the reflective material if u using it get u hotspots on the grow


Well-Known Member
it dos`nt take 4 days for a problem like that to happen . you probs been feeding and your leafs were dark green and silky ???? you thinking that they healthy .


Active Member
there is definatly no dark green and sticky leaves. no reflective material also. just flat white paint. the cfls wer super close to the plants like 2'' away from the plants all around them. then when I got my hps I set it all up and started with the light at the same distance it is at now thinking if I started it that far away I would not shock them to badly. in your guys opinion are these to far gone? if they are then oh well, it was a learning experience and I will just start another set of plants tomorrow and trash these. but if you think they will be fine with lower temps and after they get flushed then I will keep them going. I just don't want to waist time on hoping this plant will produce when I can instead swap bulbs and start veging my next set now.