SOMEONE PLEASEE HELP! tall & spindly seedling

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
longer darek at 12/12 induces faster flower sets. stress brings on faster flowering from the extended dark time. slight stress. is why outdoor takes longer to show buds...slower time change. i wouldnt do more than 24. plants run on stored energy at dark time so more dark means less energy available to it...more stress than is needed.


Active Member
stress also causes hermies. ive never had a hermie. i dont stress my plants,I dont rotate my plants because they dont rotate in the ground outside, i dont move them at all once they are in flowering. i dont give them extended darkness before switching, its unnatural and its all stressful and can cause hermies.

ps, ive never had a hermie.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
this small amount of stress wont hermie them unless its shit genetics to begin with. you may not rotate them and sure they dont in nature but its no diff than the sun moving overhead each day and the earyh rotating. so in a sence its the earth rotating them for us...same deal. ....again this wont hemie anything

never had a hemie,? long ya grown for........and probably run clones so less chance of it also. youd be the first in my 25 years of growing,... that has any exp, that hasnt had hermies then.
nothing we do indoor is natural but yet not always get hemies. the light isnt natural, fans. ac..heaters and so on..i dont see them in my outdoors

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
that was a typo...can rotate till the cows come home and wont hurt a thing...mine actualy said dont (was a typo).......sticky keys and no spell check...sorry.

ya id say your very lucky ior run clones all the time. more chance of hemries with seed. i kinda used the wrong term to..i should have said this causes slight stress in a good way, not enough to harm anything


Well-Known Member

alright, so i completed the first 12/12 cycle under the cfl's for now but i just wanted to get your guys oppinion on sex? looks like calyx's to me but wanted to see what you guys thought. at first i was thinking they were nuts where they were so small but now they're opening up. there is still some small ones though that havn't opened so im wondering if its a hermie or just pre-mature calyx's.

these are all from different bud sites.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
hard to see. to blury on the right spot. the rest is clear of leaves so back out and take pic. i can zoom in on my end so dont need to be so close...not to far either.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
what ya mean they are opening up...then little bell lookin things hang down from open pod????if so its male. powder comes off the dropped bells??? there will be a small white hair sticking up out of these pods if female. if male it has nothing sticking up and out. not the spears next to the balls or calyx. but closer to the stem right next to the spears


Well-Known Member
well right now theres a few with little hair like things coming out but theres also little nubs. so thats where i was confused. i dont know if theyre balls or just pre mature flowers. cause they kinda looked like that the other day too but now the few i do see are split with a lil thing coming out. praying for all fem and not a hermi. if it is a hermie i can still harvest it though cant i? id just have to be constantly be picking off balls.

and i will update with a few more pics in a bit when i get some more time.


Well-Known Member
sorry it took so long to repost. just been kinda busy lately. it ended up being male sadly :( but its alright, was a bit of practice and trial & error. i have another bagseed in germ right now so ill see how this one goes and if this one ends up being male im gonna start 2 of the 3 trainwreck seeds i have.

soo, just wanted to say thanks to eveyone for the help and advice & i will deff appreciate it in my future posts.