someone pleaseeeee help :'(


Active Member
I've been smoking for years and these past few months every single time I smoke I get incredibly nauseous...this is really starting to make me mad. I threw up once or twice too. Now when I smoke I need to lay down so I don't feel nauseous. Has this happened to anyone? What can I doooo?:cry:


Active Member
no the first time I threw up was because I drank before I smoked. And everytime after that that I smoked I just get nauseous


Well-Known Member
no the first time I threw up was because I drank before I smoked. And everytime after that that I smoked I just get nauseous
sounds like memory lane syndrome.

ie, i was out with friends one nite. we had fun, and competed to see who could drink the most southern comfort.

i will never be able to drink southern comfort again :cry::spew::cry:


Well-Known Member
my crazy personality disorder neighbor says some weed she gets causes blisters on her lips then gives her bag away. and i just grew some bubba kush i got from the club and gave her a zip and she starts crying saying how my pot dosent get her stoned and that it tastes like perfume. it could be psychosomatic, ya never know. that weed was dank as fuck!


Active Member
I think Kind might be on to something...i think that might be it!

Another name for it is "Learned Taste Adversion". It's a common problem for people undergoing chemo...especially kids. Their parent will give their children their favorite foods after receiving the chemo treatment in an effort to cheer them up. Because the chemo makes them nauseous they end up developing an adversion to their favorite foods.

You can de-sensitize your self...basically by undoing the association.

Start by taking one small hit - not enough to even get a buzz...the smallest amount you can. If that doesn't make you nauseous than the process of de-sensitize should be pretty easy. If you are able to take one hit and not get nauseous, leave it at that. Don't take another that day.

You may either want to repeat the one hit a day routine for a few days, or slowly begin increasing the really depends on how you feel. It's important that you don't get yourself into a situation where you rush the de-sensitization.

I'm sure this will work for you...

I can give you more info on this whole routine if you want. PM me.

- eyes88


Well-Known Member
my crazy personality disorder neighbor says some weed she gets causes blisters on her lips then gives her bag away. and i just grew some bubba kush i got from the club and gave her a zip and she starts crying saying how my pot dosent get her stoned and that it tastes like perfume. it could be psychosomatic, ya never know. that weed was dank as fuck!
I would recommend staying very far away from this person :neutral:

As for the nausea dude, I agree with kp... You're probably relating the weed to that bad drinking experience

Your prescription, take a month off and come back to a nice cold bong:joint:


Well-Known Member
yep, same storry as kind... Out with the lads drinking....

had 4 Vodka Bottle's 0.75 L i think they are.... Pretty big aswell.... ^^ or maybe 1.25 l

i donno, but i know i landed in a clinic where they sent me to prison..... ^^ I beat up 4 Police dude's, threatend 6 nurses in the hospital thats why i was sent to the clinic, then my dad arrives, and they say i was like : WTF, you here for, starting kicking him.

Guess what, i had 3.43 Promilles in my blood !

I will never ever drink anything alcaholic over 4.5 % alc... This means. If i smell codka at party's i have this headache and i puke.... no shit man...

I have stop'd going to party's for 5 months now, and i must say im ready to face the smell ^^


* edit * i didnt drink 4 bottles i was like more of 3/4 quarters of one bottle, so about 1liter together......... and some caramel vodka aswell..... :)